kit harrington also has no charisma to lead his own show
dull ass character
I think it works for his plain northern upbringing coming into the world. Like a contrast between that and undead ice soldiers and dragons as well as the more flamboyant people around. So I agree that he lacks a bit and idk if I'd watch a Jon show.
But if jon had so much more personality that they just have him do a bunch of performative s*** then I'll hate it.
Magine they make Jon sharp witted and humorous or overly dauntless or some s***
Magine they make Jon sharp witted and humorous or overly dauntless or some s***
It being a comedy show with him and Tormund
For sure. It'll be between him and Bob Odenkirk. But Paddy would have my vote
bob absolutely deserves it
if he doesn’t win i’m gonna be heartbroken
bob absolutely deserves it
if he doesn’t win i’m gonna be heartbroken
I definitely won't be mad if he wins, he did a phenomenal job.
But man Paddy was only in this show for 1 season and already solidified his portrayal as easily one of the best in the entire GOT franchise.
This worth my time ? Loved GOT till last season
Yea if you loved GOT 1-7, you will absolutely love this
This season was close to being GOT season 1 tier, and there is a good chance season 2 will feel like prime GOT
This worth my time ? Loved GOT till last season
Yes bro, this first season is an AMAZING start. Paddy Considine as King Viserys is f***ing goated. I really hope he wins awards for that role, he absolutely killed it.
lets go Milly
Magine they make Jon sharp witted and humorous or overly dauntless or some s***
Yeah he's supposed to be stoic and comically self serious
Yes bro, this first season is an AMAZING start. Paddy Considine as King Viserys is f***ing goated. I really hope he wins awards for that role, he absolutely killed it.
Just wish Viserys had more of a spine
Viserys had a spine. He just wanted different things.
Viserys > Ned stark
Nah Ned was honor bound. Viserys just ain’t have the heart to do what was needed.
Viserys set the stage for the whole Dance of Dragons which is a pretty monumental f*** up. Also marrying Alicent instead of the Velaryon daughter. Re-hiring Otto. He made a lot of dumb decisions.
Ned was smart. He followed all of the threads and was able to put together the big picture. Although his complete honor led to his downfall.
Viserys wanted to do the right thing but could never figure out what that really was.
i miss Hot D sundays
we got 2 years of waiting ahead while the twitter takes are getting increasingly delusional and bizzare
Rewatching clips from GOT season 7 and it's real apparent how weird the writing is around the morality of murder during war.
Like they really made Danerys seem like what she did was unheard of. Like mfs weren't killing opps for less. It feels like they tried to make us feel like murdering enemy troops who won't switch sides is some new concept so that we as an audience like her less.
What killed me was, that out of all the flaws and s*** in the later seasons, we were supposed to act like her killing the tarlys was some major writing flaw or whatever or some unheard of s*** like you said