  • Oct 30, 2019
    2 replies
    · edited

    The show will cover 300 years of Targ history. So probably multiple seasons

    A lot of time jumps I guess. Took Got 8 Seasons to cover what? five years or so?

    idk just doesn't make sense to me

  • Oct 30, 2019
    2 replies

    A lot of time jumps I guess. Took Got 8 Seasons to cover what? five years or so?

    idk just doesn't make sense to me

    This could very well be an anthology series

    Fire and blood books aren’t even a real story it’s more like plot points of history

  • Oct 30, 2019

    This could very well be an anthology series

    Fire and blood books aren’t even a real story it’s more like plot points of history


  • Oct 30, 2019

    A lot of time jumps I guess. Took Got 8 Seasons to cover what? five years or so?

    idk just doesn't make sense to me

    Yeah I'm not sure either. Because I just saw an article saying that they'll only cover the events leading up to the Dance. So we might not even get the Conquest.

    But EW's article said they'd cover 300 years. If that's the case, maybe each season covers a different topic.

    Well see

  • Oct 30, 2019

    This could very well be an anthology series

    Fire and blood books aren’t even a real story it’s more like plot points of history

    Hbo made it clear that the dance of dragons will be the series ender. Everything this new show has must lead to it.

  • Oct 30, 2019

    Highly doubt we’ll get the conquest part

  • GrandmaYe


    I got a feeling that show is gonna flop

    most certainly will on netflix. looks awful. just thinking HBO would’ve did better

  • Oct 31, 2019

    Isn't this after the Doom of Valaryia while they are already in Westeroes leading up to the Dance of Dragons.

    Yea, like right after is what I meant. Cause Aegon somehow knew that the Doom would occur, and had already begun moving to Dragonstone.
    Dance of Dragon's is like... iirc damn near 100 years or more after Aegon arrives to Westeros. So most likely Dance of Dragon's wouldn't occur until like season 3-4 assuming it goes that long.

  • Oct 31, 2019
    2 replies

    Just stated the original for the first time on S1E9 .

    Khaleesi would get the bizness

    Can’t believe I skipped it for 8 years, only hbo show I never watched and actively ducked .

  • Oct 31, 2019
    The 7 Day Theory

    Just stated the original for the first time on S1E9 .

    Khaleesi would get the bizness

    Can’t believe I skipped it for 8 years, only hbo show I never watched and actively ducked .

    Enjoy the show. Try not to spoil yourself. So many goat moments if you happen to not spoil yourself.

  • Oct 31, 2019
    The 7 Day Theory

    Just stated the original for the first time on S1E9 .

    Khaleesi would get the bizness

    Can’t believe I skipped it for 8 years, only hbo show I never watched and actively ducked .

    enjoy. you're embarking on the goat experience

  • Jan 15, 2020
    3 replies
  • Jan 15, 2020

    Keep. Way too far for me, and i'm just too impatient.

  • Humble

    Good looks

  • Jan 16, 2020

    My nigga are you alive?

  • Jan 16, 2020

    Do a flash-forward at the end of the first episode and show Dany getting resurrected in Volantis

    Streets would go wild

  • Jan 16, 2020

    2022 tho? I’m mad they built up a January announcement the last few months to say that

  • Jul 28, 2020
    2 replies
  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

  • Jul 28, 2020

    "And according to the site Recapped, HBO is actively for people to play Rhaenrya and Alicent, two of the principle players. The actor who plays Rhaenyra Targaryen should be in her late 20s while the person playing Alicent Hightower should be a little older."

  • Jul 28, 2020
    2 replies

    INB4 the Season 8 was so bad i'm not even looking forward to this crowd.

  • Humble

    Will keep an eye out for the casting choices

  • Jul 28, 2020
    1 reply

    INB4 the Season 8 was so bad i'm not even looking forward to this crowd.

    I'll be honest, I miss the f*** out of this show, I will probably most likely watch this

  • Jul 28, 2020

    as long as D&D aren't associated with this, this could turn out good
