Really enjoy this show though, I just wish every episode was available now man, I wanna see more.
Really enjoy this show though, I just wish every episode was available now man, I wanna see more.
same bro i thought we were moving past weekly releases as a society
She looks at least 18 to me. The actress is 26. Do you think Euphoria cast are teenagers? High schoolers don't look like that.
Besides, if the character was that young they wouldn't make that scene
where Magic thinks she is a prostitute. Or make him look at her in a sexual way.
I didn’t really think that far into but actor def looks 27
Think they way they frame her on the show made me think she was young asf
Maybe it’s the haircut
I didn’t really think that far into but actor def looks 27
Think they way they frame her on the show made me think she was young asf
Maybe it’s the haircut
yea its for sure the haircut
Yep, worked for the NYPD.
Damn that’s really interesting
Wish i knew more about him as a person and player
F*** I wish this show was longer
same bro i thought we were moving past weekly releases as a society
I get why they do it weekly still but I’m with you, binge watching has ruined my life
Man i love this show
The basketball aspects are sooo cool
The actor for Magic is soo f***ing good man
The casting dept went crazy
same bro i thought we were moving past weekly releases as a society
Weekly releases >>>>> binging
The real TV monster we’ve defeated as a society are commercials. But weekly releases will forever work better for episodic storytelling as opposed to dropping seasons all at once.
When they focus on the basketball stuff and the players, that’s when the show is at its best
Of course none of the real ppl involved gonna cosign this cuz its a slap stick spoof and makes em look like weirdos....that said they basically portray magic as magic. It's pat Riley and Jerry west that should be looking to slap the writers
Surely if this is successful enough they ll oder additional seasons. They already got the storyline mapped out for at least 3 or 4 seasons lol
Surely if this is successful enough they ll oder additional seasons. They already got the storyline mapped out for at least 3 or 4 seasons lol
Good call
Good call knew it!