Here's an overview of what I learned from the book:
Magic Johnson basically ran that team throughout the 80's and could get whatever he wanted, including a cheeseburger from Jack Kent Cooke.
Jerry Buss loved younger women and had a libido on par with Hugh Hefner.
Jerry West likes to swear a lot.
Kurt Rambis enjoyed living like a transient and hoarding soft drinks.
James Worthy is a morose person and thought paying $150 for a b****** in Houston was a good idea. It wasn't.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is an a******. To just about everyone.
Byron Scott could never drive left to the basket.
AC Green had an awesome, wet, juicy Jheri curl afro. Oh, and he was a virgin on the team.
Michael Cooper was paranoid about being cut all the time.
Pearlman also doesn't pull any punches, either, making sure the reader knows that Kareem is arrogant and unlikable, Magic is a s***addict and truly runs the Lakers, and Riley is paranoid and a megalomaniac. None of these are new revelations, but credit the author with creating a captivating and entertaining story out of such familiar material. This is a must-read for Lakers fans, but any fan of 80s-era basketball
has anyone watched the Magic doc on AppleTV?
halfway thru the first episode of it rn. really good imo
great episode,
sad this show is slowly coming to an end
is next weeks episode the finale ?
Episode was heat
I know a lot of it is fake any maybe they should’ve used fake names based on the people but show is straight entertainment
That nurse had a look to her face like fine have some p****
i felt uncomfortable for her
2 episodes in and they really portrayed this nigga jerry west as the most unhappy man on earth
This is probably the best show on tv right now
It’s a fun show but I’d put Better Call Saul, Barry & Atlanta over it
It’s a fun show but I’d put Better Call Saul, Barry & Atlanta over it
Atlanta is my fav, you right
I never saw better call or Barry but I’m abs gonna start that soon
its hilarious how much this has the lakers legends up in arms
like obviously its not a doc but obviously its inspired by alot of truth - but its like they trying to re write history now
Next episode most likely the last of the season. Wood Harris acted his ass off in this ep
But that ending someone really tried to shoot up the lakers?