YES THIS HAS B**** IN IT. Glad they aren’t going for a safe clean look. I know it’s HBO but was worried the NBA would be worried about the image the show gives off
I swear I hate reviewers bruh
From the Slate review of this show:
“Winning Time is a watchable show that doesn’t seem to have any other compelling reason to exist other than to be watched.”
What kind of criticism is this?
It’s like idiots forgot the purpose of a TV show is to watch it
So glad I have something to replace righteous gemstones with on Sunday’s this shows fire so far
YES THIS HAS B**** IN IT. Glad they aren’t going for a safe clean look. I know it’s HBO but was worried the NBA would be worried about the image the show gives off
1st episode FIRE Can’t wait for more
Sucks to hear this is a mini series already
1st episode FIRE Can’t wait for more
Sucks to hear this is a mini series already
damn its just a mini series
i can't be the only one who thought this s*** was kind of bunk. Adam McKay and his pointless techniques of filmmaking just piss me off so much. I'm disappointed because I love the story of the 80s Lakers and was very much looking forward to this show, but man episode 1 was not good to me at all lol
The dude that plays Magic is great, great cast in general
It’s crazy that this is his first real acting role and he’s killing it already
Mckay a hit or miss for me but that was was a great pilot
Fire first episode, HBO succeeded at getting me not to cancel my subscription after euphoria
Episode 1 was solid they went a little overboard with the talking to the screen segments in the first half but luckily it slowed down in second half and let the plot unfold for us
Jerry West hilarious
Heard there might be some historical inaccuracies but what can you expect from a comedic retelling