Congrats Uzi
all 3 of em won
hip hop & r&b stand up! lets go!
Uzi was always destined to be a superstar
Meg the floppian
Uzi outselling Bieber and Eminem
these are different times
Imagine if he actually drops the deluxe tonight
bad bunny doing almost 100k 2nd week with a full spanish album is the most impressive number here
Bad Bunny 95k second week
he'd be pushing 400k
Wow love to see this chart here
Big W for baby.
Meg really flopped hard tho damn
Drop the deluxe and double them numbers uzi
bruh only 9k pure
he ain't pushing no physicals or bundles or nothing lol
this just shows people actually listening to Uzi
Shows how far streaming has come. Insane
Uzi will do 500k if he drops the deluxe this week