wackademiks tryna spin this as a W 🤣
This was the best time for Durkio to end 69’s career ffs
Too bad he got cold feet smh
55K isn't bad considering everything. Remember that he lost out on 100K sales due to Billboard blackballing him. All the people who bought his bundles received a digital copy of the album, so they are listening to that instead of doing it on streaming platforms, hence why his streaming numbers are low. His true number is 150K. That's phenomenal.
55K isn't bad considering everything. Remember that he lost out on 100K sales due to Billboard blackballing him. All the people who bought his bundles received a digital copy of the album, so they are listening to that instead of doing it on streaming platforms, hence why his streaming numbers are low. His true number is 150K. That's phenomenal.
That's a long way to say Flopppppppp
That's a long way to say Flopppppppp
150K is a flop? That's news to me.
150K is a flop? That's news to me.
He didn't do 150k, so wherever that number is coming from....
He didn't do 150k, so wherever that number is coming from....
they "blackballed" him I haven't met one person who listens to 6ix9ine in real life
69 stans trying their hardest to say this didn't flop
Real music won, all that other bullshit
He didn't do 150k, so wherever that number is coming from....
He did 150K. Billboard blackballed him and won't count 100K units from his bundles.
He did 150K. Billboard blackballed him and won't count 100K units from his bundles.
The bundle rule wasn't new
I've seen absolutely no one advertise this album on my social media feed
And people always post new music from big artists when it's out
Yeah ain't no one playing that bullshit besides you (maybe)
He did 150K. Billboard blackballed him and won't count 100K units from his bundles.
Shouldn't have put Frank's team in charge of shipping the s***
This a slight L for Tekashi but its whatever. Album was weak tho. He can bounce back if he starts putting out bangers again.
This a slight L for Tekashi but its whatever. Album was weak tho. He can bounce back if he starts putting out bangers again.
You need people to claim your song a banger
He doesn’t have people anymore lol
Yall not getting this
He did 150K. Billboard blackballed him and won't count 100K units from his bundles.
they were probably fraudulent lmao
69 gonna be like Nicki and claimed he is black balled.
They both are black balled lol
Finally Famous 87k
Hall of Fame 72k
Dark Sky Paradise 173k
I Decided 151k
Detroit 2 111k
Sean did fine
You need people to claim your song a banger
He doesn’t have people anymore lol
Yall not getting this
6ix9ine fans and not keeping up, name a more iconic due
@S delete sixnine section
Finally Famous 87k
Hall of Fame 72k
Dark Sky Paradise 173k
I Decided 151k
Detroit 2 111k
Sean did fine
Streaming era where sales typically aren’t as high either