TYLERRRRR LETSSS GO! He did great. Even though she came in 2nd place I still say those are great numbers for her
two great albums!
ok but how do i phrase this opinion as inflammatory bait?
He hit the 185 mark. That's good for him
These aren't the final numbers either. He may end up a little higher.
Industry plants lost
TYLERRRRR LETSSS GO! He did great. Even though she came in 2nd place I still say those are great numbers for her
Very solid. Megan's album did 100K, I believe.
185K will be the highest first week numbers for Tyler and he announced his album a week before it dropped.
If Post actually drops a good album this go around he may chart top five indefinitely sheesh
These aren't the final numbers either. He may end up a little higher.
Damn so KTT lost again.