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  • Dec 22, 2020

    The beginning of the end for Kanye. He really was so self centered that he didn’t know about Khalifa Kush

    It had me dying... He was going at Wiz then outta nowhere compliments him that his skinny/tall and can wear cool pants

  • Dec 22, 2020

  • Dec 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Sad moment:

    I don't believe that tweet. Amber was just sticking up for Wiz

    Can't trust no b**** named Amber.

  • Dec 22, 2020
    2 replies

    I forgot that he was talking about Wale too, lowkey confirms that it was just some insecurity and probably d**** going on. Meek was really pressed about people not tweeting his album

  • Dec 22, 2020

    Sad moment:

    No kink shaming please!

  • Dec 22, 2020

    The beginning of the end for Kanye. He really was so self centered that he didn’t know about Khalifa Kush

    To be fair I don’t think you had to be self centered to not know about that, I knew about it but it’s not like we ever saw it around here or anything. You’d have to be a wiz fan to know about it pretty much

  • Dec 22, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't believe that tweet. Amber was just sticking up for Wiz

    Can't trust no b**** named Amber.

    Coming from his ex partner tho

  • Dec 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Coming from his ex partner tho

    Idk man. Every single Amber I've met IRL or heard of has been a snake and grimey AF.

  • Dec 22, 2020

    Y’all be having Drake f***ed up. Even if he got ghost writers. He got the voice.
    That ghost writer s*** did take ALOT of credibility tho. Lowkey hurt me as a fan

    Hurt but look at the greatness that has happened since

  • Dec 22, 2020

    I forgot that he was talking about Wale too, lowkey confirms that it was just some insecurity and probably d**** going on. Meek was really pressed about people not tweeting his album

    Roc nation was good to ban him from socials for a bit earlier this year

  • 2words

    I forgot that he was talking about Wale too, lowkey confirms that it was just some insecurity and probably d**** going on. Meek was really pressed about people not tweeting his album

    That b**** Nikki really gassed his mid ass music too

  • Sleazy

    Idk man. Every single Amber I've met IRL or heard of has been a snake and grimey AF.

    Off topic but I f***ed a red head named amber once and p**** was fire

  • Dec 22, 2020

    don’t even text me cornball!

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