"On Memorial Day Weekend . . . so I get dispatched up to one of the rooms to help some girl get down to the casino. She ends up being all bloody and things, so I had to call my supervisor, then I had to call my other supervisor, then I had to call my boss. And I was like, “We have a situation,” because half of her face was like blown out." Continue...
Come to find out that she was with a certain rapper, who had assaulted her . . . and his first name is [Kendrick]. [Audience aks if she means Kendrick Lamar]. Yeah. . . He beat up some chick, [and] there was like blood everywhere.
There were cops there, and we didn’t find out it was Kendrick until later. . . . She ended up pressing charges, I think.
"On Memorial Day Weekend . . . so I get dispatched up to one of the rooms to help some girl get down to the casino. She ends up being all bloody and things, so I had to call my supervisor, then I had to call my other supervisor, then I had to call my boss. And I was like, “We have a situation,” because half of her face was like blown out." Continue...
Come to find out that she was with a certain rapper, who had assaulted her . . . and his first name is [Kendrick]. [Audience aks if she means Kendrick Lamar]. Yeah. . . He beat up some chick, [and] there was like blood everywhere.
There were cops there, and we didn’t find out it was Kendrick until later. . . . She ended up pressing charges, I think.
Unproven allegation vs video footage of Drake kissing an underaged girl on the lips 🤣
Bumping this because i think it's top 15 drake
Ball knower, I wouldnt go that high but the ppl that act like it is terrible/embarrassing when there are so many clever bars is astounding. Beat is godly too.
Ball knower, I wouldnt go that high but the ppl that act like it is terrible/embarrassing when there are so many clever bars is astounding. Beat is godly too.
I think it's a funny song and the beat is very cool and also now that the narrative is settled and noone gives af anymore i like playing it
I think it's a funny song and the beat is very cool and also now that the narrative is settled and noone gives af anymore i like playing it
Wait a minute…
Nothing was crazier than seeing people intentionally misinterpreting the lyrics to this song to fit their narrative. One of drakes most disrespectful songs of all time
As a huge Drake fan this song might do more damage to my goat than actually losing the battle
Horrendous stain on his legacy this diss was horrible
lmao genuinely one of the worst records i’ve ever heard.
overly serious
the s***tiest of schemes
standout bad bars
Nothing was crazier than seeing people intentionally misinterpreting the lyrics to this song to fit their narrative. One of drakes most disrespectful songs of all time
Yeah. Disrespectful to put this mid out.
I am once again here to tell you that this is an impeccable diss track
Only Kendrick fanboys call this trash.