I gotta go with Cry Baby. Because it doesn’t have a feature half as bad as Kirklafuckinggoop
Not as noteable but still solid
lol na bruh you need to revisit that one. just as good as the other two , just more cloud rap instead of emo even tho the emotion is still there
I gotta go with Cry Baby. Because it doesn’t have a feature half as bad as Kirklafuckinggoop
Literally the second best guest on the album
Crybaby for myself,
also the title track sampling Brand New made me ecstatic
they're a notoriously quiet and out-of-the-spotlight band who have been off the grid for a couple years now - the fact Peep's label was able to get the sample cleared for the recent crybaby release made me happy
Literally the second best guest on the album
come on fam