I have to finish some major projects tonight for literally the last classes of my degree and I can't seem to get started...
can u relentlessly tag me in this thread and tell me to do my homework?
Eval Paperwork (DONE)
Project 1 (DONE)
Project 2 (DONE)
Project 3 (DONE)
Journals (DONE)
just ban this f***er til he emails scott his diploma
dude just log off and do it loser
@op finish assignment one
What is it and what class
Capstone and field experience classes for my recording arts degree. I have a few Protools mix projects to finish and project journals to update
Capstone and field experience classes for my recording arts degree. I have a few Protools mix projects to finish and project journals to update
Nice dude you got this s***
I have to finish some major projects tonight for literally the last classes of my degree and I can't seem to get started...
can u relentlessly tag me in this thread and tell me to do my homework?
Eval Paperwork (DONE)
Project 1 (DONE)
Project 2 (DONE)
Project 3 (DONE)
Journals (DONE)
nigga there’s still 3 projects and journals to be written… you’re done
I have to finish some major projects tonight for literally the last classes of my degree and I can't seem to get started...
can u relentlessly tag me in this thread and tell me to do my homework?
Eval Paperwork (DONE)
Project 1 (DONE)
Project 2 (DONE)
Project 3 (DONE)
Journals (DONE)
Mf you're one long night from a degree, if you can't focus for today why'd you do this
Get your f***ing ass to work
@op how u have 3 projects due all in one night procrastination must of been off the charts
@op how u have 3 projects due all in one night procrastination must of been off the charts
I have ADHD
Do it yourself
its ok op u still got time
i would toss on some YouTube videos until ur feeling productive
its ok op u still got time
i would toss on some YouTube videos until ur feeling productive
Why no Adderall
Long story.
Doc recommended buproprion instead and wanted me to back to a psychiatrist after I had already gotten a screening. Stuff happened and I never got around to making the appointment.
just ban this f***er til he emails scott his diploma
This website isn’t even popping like that. Just handle your business I promise you’re not gonna miss anything
This website isn’t even popping like that. Just handle your business I promise you’re not gonna miss anything
Executive function is harder for me with self-monitored tasks. Knowing that there are other people who know I have to finish this s*** has me real motivated and I'm blasting thru these journals rn