tbh honest i dont get it at all.
to me it it seems like a bunch of teenage girls who just have weird obsessions with the artists. I asked a girl who goes yo school with me and she said that she likes it because the artists aren´t problematic.
also most of the fans dont even understand korean.
It's Pop music on steroids, ultra clean, plastic and shiny. That's the appeal. It's a certain innocence that people like about it (even though the labels are abusive as f*** and kill virtually their performers)
The music it's self is trash because no one in these groups are real musicians, they we're picked based on look
It's Pop music on steroids, ultra clean, plastic and shiny. That's the appeal. It's a certain innocence that people like about it (even though the labels are abusive as f*** and kill virtually their performers)
go more in depth
the artists aren't problematic because they're not real people and are just personas that the record labels create to sell to their demographic
It's Pop music on steroids, ultra clean, plastic and shiny. That's the appeal. It's a certain innocence that people like about it (even though the labels are abusive as f*** and kill virtually their performers)
Imagine posting this on a rap forum
Imagine posting this on a rap forum
This is a music forum
Brazy music videos
Dope ass choreography
Catchy as f*** songs
The fan service
The live performances
go more in depth
It's like, If you see something colorful and or shiny your gonna be intrigued that's just natural human reaction. In this case it's ultra-manufactured pop music. Young teens are huge fans because they've never seen anything like it in their lifetime
It's also interesting that on an Asian platform like Tik Tok, there are no Kpop in their top 20 most popular songs
I wouldn't mind K-Pop if the fans weren't such attention w****s. They feel the need to make everything about themselves and the industry puppets they stan. Many of them are just insecure preteens.
It's like, If you see something colorful and or shiny your gonna be intrigued that's just natural human reaction. In this case it's ultra-manufactured pop music. Young teens are huge fans because they've never seen anything like it in their lifetime
thats a good explanation
i sorta get it, its like old pop stars where they are bigger then life something you can not find anymore really outside of select few
however if i was gonna glitzy pop that they i rather hear PC music or someone like kylie minogue or Madonna
It's also interesting that on an Asian platform like Tik Tok, there are no Kpop in their top 20 most popular songs
Going to take a wild guess and say you're American