This isn't hating either though, they are each other's competitors because they are ahead of people in their genre. They are both "pop" stars. Drake is competing with Bad Bunny songs at clubs/urban radios. They aren't same genre but there is a HUGE overlap with the audience that listens to both. Weeknd is also a peer when it comes to numbers.
yall cant pick and chose, if you a megastar you compete with megastars. Drake's next tour better do bad bunny/weeknd numbers if yall want to say he in the same league (which on some platforms he is)
he can if he wants
he actually better try to perform instead of trying make the crowd rap his s*** lmao
Our generation’s Oprah
THIS is how you’re supposed to take a shot. Laugh at it and move on, not cry about on twitter for 12 hours over one line.
we the North
I don’t know if that line was about her lol.
Honestly Drake a lame for that Megan line. Like even if it’s true she lied ain’t nothing set in stone right now and you know you going to get hate for that bar and that hate going to take the conversation away from the music and you always claim to be just about the music and no other s***.
Whole industry s*** on Tory nigga shut up
I don’t know if that line was about her lol.
I thought it was about Chromazz but people just making every line about themselves for some clout
I thought it was about Chromazz but people just making every line about themselves for some clout
this album bout to cause some chickens to lose their lives
I like how we have this mega thread for celeb reactions and 5 separate threads with Ye, Meg, jpeg, Dram, & Azealia Banks reactions
What line is she talking about?
What line is she talking about?
"Ice Spice a ten and she looks like a hen"
Single Entendre
What line is she talking about?
"She a ten tryna rap, it's good on mute" is the real line.
Whole industry s*** on Tory nigga shut up
And? He allegedly shot a beloved female rapper wtf is your point
And? He allegedly shot a beloved female rapper wtf is your point
Allegedly your point. Youre getting on one man for going on one side of a two sided situation. But if people take the other said it's okay despite presumed innocence. Drake know Tory I'm sure he knows more about the situation than a random.
Allegedly your point. Youre getting on one man for going on one side of a two sided situation. But if people take the other said it's okay despite presumed innocence. Drake know Tory I'm sure he knows more about the situation than a random.
The f***? Can you read my nigga I literally said my point is whether it’s true or not he shot her isn’t point. The fact of the situation ain’t known to the general public so of course he going to look like a lame and the discussion ain’t gunna be about the music.
The same type of situation he always makes fun of other people doing for years and he doing it.