  • Jul 31, 2020

    This website sick for real he was an idiot but to wish death on him because of different political views? I swear some of you mfs sheltered

    natural selection man

  • Jul 31, 2020

    nigga beat cancer twice but as soon as his ancestors seen him at a trump rally he dead of COVID

  • Jul 31, 2020

    This website sick for real he was an idiot but to wish death on him because of different political views? I swear some of you mfs sheltered

    Calling a pandemic a hoax and denying scientific studies isnt different political views lol

  • blase 🦋
    Jul 31, 2020

    just get this man out of office already

  • Jul 31, 2020
    2 replies

    F*** that, no point in showing any sympathy towards people that actively spew damaging and false rhetoric that has led to others either being harmed and/or straight up dying, especially within the past 4+ months. I'm all for showing respect, but not for those that won't/can't admit their wrongdoings and are maliciously dogshit

    so if tomi Lahren, Laura ingraham and Candace Owens all die in consecutive weeks, you'll still say f*** that and f*** them? just wondering

  • Jul 31, 2020
    Baby Beats

    RIP man
    everyone makes mistakes u kno

  • Jul 31, 2020
    2 replies

    Y’all can’t be in here and call yr selves progressives then turn around and celebrate death come the f*** on

    This that internet desensitized BS

    Yes he was a a hoax preacher yes his politics were trash but two months ago the WHO was telling people not to wear masks, govts all over were! Here in canada too because they literally admitted they were scared of shortages

    As of june I promise u people weren’t deciding their mask wearing habits based on hermain cain bro

    This isnt George w or d*** cheney who are actual murderers just a regular republican Who has a family too


  • Jul 31, 2020

    This thread is insane lmfao

    I’m praying yall are under 18 wishing straight death on people

  • Jul 31, 2020
    Chris M

    so if tomi Lahren, Laura ingraham and Candace Owens all die in consecutive weeks, you'll still say f*** that and f*** them? just wondering

    If they're pushing anti-mask talk or any other notions that cause people to put themselves or other people in danger or even go so far as to potentially have said rhetoric end up igniting violence unto those that wear masks as what's been happening at stores across the country (and nevermind the fact that all three have also been pushing absolutely abhorrent racist ideals for years that has also had its negative consequences/effects), then yes, I'll keep that same energy. F*** caping and playing devil's advocate for pieces of s***, that's part of what led the US into this f***ing mess of an administration in the first place

  • Jul 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all can’t be in here and call yr selves progressives then turn around and celebrate death come the f*** on

    This that internet desensitized BS

    Yes he was a a hoax preacher yes his politics were trash but two months ago the WHO was telling people not to wear masks, govts all over were! Here in canada too because they literally admitted they were scared of shortages

    As of june I promise u people weren’t deciding their mask wearing habits based on hermain cain bro

    This isnt George w or d*** cheney who are actual murderers just a regular republican Who has a family too



  • Jul 31, 2020


    He should die because women said he sexually harassed them

  • Jul 31, 2020

    yall are f***ing crazy. rip herman

  • Jul 31, 2020

    People ITT:

  • Jul 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all can’t be in here and call yr selves progressives then turn around and celebrate death come the f*** on

    This that internet desensitized BS

    Yes he was a a hoax preacher yes his politics were trash but two months ago the WHO was telling people not to wear masks, govts all over were! Here in canada too because they literally admitted they were scared of shortages

    As of june I promise u people weren’t deciding their mask wearing habits based on hermain cain bro

    This isnt George w or d*** cheney who are actual murderers just a regular republican Who has a family too


    You can be progressive and say f*** em

  • Jul 31, 2020
    1 reply

    You can be progressive and say f*** em

    Bro again progressivism is the compassionate ideology, we’re supposed to be the conscientious ones

    Cant be celebrating any human dying

    Yes his ideology sucked but end it at that wtf lmao

  • Jul 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Bro again progressivism is the compassionate ideology, we’re supposed to be the conscientious ones

    Cant be celebrating any human dying

    Yes his ideology sucked but end it at that wtf lmao

    Uh who said it was all encomppsing compassionate. Whoever made that up is lame.

  • Jul 31, 2020

    vicious. rip tho

    Not right

  • Jul 31, 2020

    Uh who said it was all encomppsing compassionate. Whoever made that up is lame.

    i also reject that notion. i will have no tolerance for the intolerant

  • Aug 1, 2020
    Chris M

    so if tomi Lahren, Laura ingraham and Candace Owens all die in consecutive weeks, you'll still say f*** that and f*** them? just wondering

    Those specific three are a bit different because you can argue that they’re all white supremacist

  • Aug 3, 2020

  • Aug 3, 2020

    Cooning kills

  • #ripbozo never been more appropriate