  • Listen to this song. And if you feel anything check out the album.

    The backstory behind the band is a bit intriguing, i guess they were one of the first bands to be labeled as “post rock”. I suggest checking out the article Pitchfork recently put out on them.

  • In at post rock

  • Song is beautiful I hope the album is more of the

  • yeap can confirm this is a classic

  • Boring af

  • Poolboy Q

    Listen to this song. And if you feel anything check out the album.


    The backstory behind the band is a bit intriguing, i guess they were one of the first bands to be labeled as “post rock”. I suggest checking out the article Pitchfork recently put out on them.

    wow this is so beautiful

  • thank you for posting this @op this song really made me feel some warmth idk how to explain it

  • Yo I’ve been listening to this album a bunch ever since that pitchfork review. In fact I was listening to it when I had seen euphoria dropped 😂 Since that moment I ain’t give a spin but dope to see it talked about on here!

  • This was nice added to the library

  • May 10
    1 reply
    Poolboy Q

    Listen to this song. And if you feel anything check out the album.


    The backstory behind the band is a bit intriguing, i guess they were one of the first bands to be labeled as “post rock”. I suggest checking out the article Pitchfork recently put out on them.

    amazing album, i love Codename Dustsucker a lot more but
    Bark Psychosis prolly one of my favorite bands man

  • ebz

    amazing album, i love Codename Dustsucker a lot more but
    Bark Psychosis prolly one of my favorite bands man

    Hmmm I’m gonn have to check this out.

    I know this album was made by the main guy in the band by himself. I’ll try to tomorrow and let Yall know my thoughts

  • Feel like I had a dream and in it I was like “man, this is the perfect place to play Hex”

  • This isn’t Almighty So 2

  • May 12

    Donda 2020 thread classic