10 pages because of a tweet
Why don't yall just talk about it on the actual tweet if it's that compelling
10 pages because of a tweet
Why don't yall just talk about it on the actual tweet if it's that compelling
11* dork
Mr. Morale at least confirmed to me that Cole is a better rapper than Kendrick
Off Season balanced traumatizing stories about his life and his struggle mixed with elite tier wordplay and flows
i can’t even think of any song of MMBS that has technically impressive rapping… maybe Count Me Out verse 1
Count Me Out is a standout track for sure.
10 pages because of a tweet
Why don't yall just talk about it on the actual tweet if it's that compelling
10 pages because of a tweet
Why don't yall just talk about it on the actual tweet if it's that compelling
This is a Twitter reaction forum
We can all talk about the same Twitter topics and type replies to the tweets but not on Twitter and pretend we are better than them
Drake stans looking for any viral tweet that makes Kendrick look bad is sad tbh. They be foaming at the mouth to make a thread about it. The insecurities are crazy.
damn thread should've been wrapped up here
I'll never understand people who talk down on the replayability of a song/album. No one is saying you can't make an album with a message but as a musician, it's your job to find a way to communicate your message in a way that's compelling enough that people find a way to keep coming back to it, especially when you're releasing that album for commercial profit and public consumption.
No one owes you their time or attention. If you make s*** that's hard to listen to, don't be surprised if no one comes back to listen to your s***, regardless of how good it might be.
Miserable basement dwellers will tell you the music is supposed to be a chore to listen to though
10 pages because of a tweet
Why don't yall just talk about it on the actual tweet if it's that compelling
bcuz they're scared 2 use twitter 4 sum reason yet have discourse abt it all the time