This coming after Mesmerize on the album might legit be the worst transition in history
Sounds like a beat that could have been on Pusha 2013 album or that other album with that donkey Kong type beat timbo did
They were in the stu bored as f*** lmao
That wimpy ass malnourished synth sound gets me everytime 💀💀💀
Sounds like a beat that could have been on Pusha 2013 album or that other album with that donkey Kong type beat timbo did
This beat dont sound nothing like MNIMN put some respect
MNIMN is real dark & synth heavy aside from Nosetalgia.
This beat dont sound nothing like MNIMN put some respect
MNIMN is real dark & synth heavy aside from Nosetalgia.
Suicide feat. Ab Liva
Haven’t heard it in years and it even has the same random vocal ad libs lol
F***,she def came at Pharrell and said “I need some of that Neptunes magic for the low” and then Pharrell dropped this on her
Yeah, I don't know what P was thinking when he made this
Pharrell f***ed up the beat till the point she couldn’t even try and make it a single
Yeah, I don't know what P was thinking when he made this
Yo Chad let's send her this one 😂🤣
Man,that beat in op is such a good example of why you shouldn’t buy a super producers beats if your a nobody,not hot enough. They don’t need your money,they’ll give you some trash cause they can lol
Sounds like a beat that could have been on Pusha 2013 album or that other album with that donkey Kong type beat timbo did
no it doesn’t stfu