there was a bunch of corny old heads bringing out politicians earlier but it's good now
With all these concerts/shows this might be the best summer for hiphop in a long ass time
didn't know there was a stream tuned in
didnt know they was doing anything to celebrate until now thats cool
rock the bells concert last week, 50th anniversary rn
Ghosts voice sounding better than his last couple albums or is it just me?
ghost got his beard right with just for men, hairline crisp via turkey, and vocals naturally sharp his whole career
plz play instrumentals only at concerts. should be a rule. nobody wanna hear the track version
plz play instrumentals only at concerts. should be a rule. nobody wanna hear the track version
anti hip hop
fam a boogie is trash. s***ty rapper, and HORRIBLE stage presence. how u gon put this dude on a huge milestone concert in hip hop