Look, I love the music coming out these days.. but where the hell does the genre go from here? Hip hop is blending with pop and RnB and 10 years from now, ain’t no new hip hop wave coming out
Damn I guess if yours truly said it it must be true
rip hip hop you died just as you were finally #1
no avi 4 threads 1 follower
People have been saying this since the early 90s.
So please, kindly...
Hip Hop has blended with R&B since the mid 1990s and it has had a far bigger impact on the sound of R&B than vice versa
Mavi music out now, Griselda music out now, Written Testimony out now, etc etc etc
OP listen to music out of the mainstream
how many times this thread gonna be made? y'all not even using interesting thread names anymore
"We've seen this thread everyday for 10 years"
We've seen this comment every day for 10 years