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  • Jan 20, 2020
    1 reply

    If johnny sins can do it then prince gets a pass

    Isn't Johnny Sins a bald singer or something?

  • Jan 20, 2020
    Lil Zay

    oh wait i thought the roles was reversed lol that’s just a good time then


  • Jan 20, 2020

    Extralovable is fire tho

    Indeed! Lust U Always is too.

  • FREE 💜
    Jan 20, 2020
    1 reply

    early af but i was just listening to Dirty Mind and couldn’t believe this s*** when i heard it


    great album but bro really casually slides in a song about f***ing his sister at 16 when she was twice his age wtf

    It's not real b same way Purple Rain The Movie wasn't Prince life

  • FREE 💜
    Jan 20, 2020


    It's something to be said about it being Drake stans on the front page stanning Michael Jackson but I've tried abstain from them jokes so

  • Jan 20, 2020
    1 reply

    I am the LAW sir. This is now PrinceToThe. You HAVE to know

    Its not like I care or anything, I was just saying.

  • Nessy 🦎
    Jan 20, 2020
    1 reply
    John Mauve

    Isn't Johnny Sins a bald singer or something?

    He’s done pretty much every job

  • Jan 20, 2020

    It's not real b same way Purple Rain The Movie wasn't Prince life

  • Jan 20, 2020
    1 reply

    He’s done pretty much every job

    only familiar of his work as a musician

  • rvi 🐸
    Jan 20, 2020


    from og version of extraloveable:

    "I'm on the verge of rape
    I don't think U heard me (Ooh ooh!)
    I'm on the verge of rape
    I'm on the.

    I'm sorry, but I'm just gonna have 2 rape U
    Now are U going 2 get into the tub or do I have 2 drag U?
    Don't make me drag U
    I can be very cruel"

  • Jan 20, 2020
    2 replies


  • Nessy 🦎
    Jan 20, 2020
    John Mauve

    only familiar of his work as a musician

    This man is so talented

  • Jan 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Yoi all wanna make Drake jokes but there's one musician that actively did groom his ex-wife from when she was a minor my g.

    one of the greatest of all time, die 4 u is a bop for life.

    But yall niggas gotta pick a ledge son. A looooot of his early music was type Tyler/Goblin in subject matter.

    I can see why son became a jehovah witness tbh.

  • Jan 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Imagine what the search history of a mind like that looks like

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Jan 20, 2020
    King Joffrey

    Its not like I care or anything, I was just saying.

    Just jokes bruh bruh

  • Jan 20, 2020

    no one gives a s*** about step sister incest

  • Jan 20, 2020


    He was the 16 year old in the song, chill

  • Jan 20, 2020

    prince said himself most of what he sang about with his early s*** was just fantasies.

    but yeah song is kinda rough tbh. Prince didn't have a very good voice.

    this dude really said Prince didn’t have a good voice dumbass of the century right here

  • rvi 🐸
    Jan 20, 2020
    The Retiring Mane

    Yoi all wanna make Drake jokes but there's one musician that actively did groom his ex-wife from when she was a minor my g.

    one of the greatest of all time, die 4 u is a bop for life.

    But yall niggas gotta pick a ledge son. A looooot of his early music was type Tyler/Goblin in subject matter.

    I can see why son became a jehovah witness tbh.

    also he had 'Anna Fantastic' living with him after meeting her at 15-16. he made a song to celebrate her 18th birthday

  • Jan 20, 2020
    King Joffrey

    Prince compared to MJ is like Pepsi.

    Stop this f***ing slander

  • Jan 20, 2020

    All this Prince disrespect

    I’m sure MJ was a fan of the song

  • Jan 20, 2020

    prince disrespect this slander wasnt on og ktt.

  • Jan 20, 2020

    fam am i the only one here who never heard a prince song in my life


  • Jan 20, 2020

    I mean it was his step sister, which while that doesn't make it cool it makes it p***-able so he gets a pass i mean its f***ing prince

    “She get wet and she suck me like an insect. She my step sister so I guess that’s incest” - Lil yachty

  • rvi 🐸
    Jan 20, 2020
    2 replies

    Prince and 15or16 yr old anna fantastic in 1988:

    it was pretty much his thing to serial date barely legal girls and dump em soon

    he also got legal guardianship of Mayte Garcia before she turned 18

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