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  • Apr 25, 2021
    2 replies

    I get customers can be irritated about a mistake if it causes them some inconvenience, but the employee’s clearly going through a mental breakdown. Adding extra disrespect to post this publicly.

  • Apr 25, 2021

    this is wild but idk not really gonna judge him too hard since a lot of these people working customer service do go crazy.

    like the man recording sees him at his breaking point and still wants to act like an a******. Dude literally went to go cry over there and he's gonna maneuver himself so he can get a shot of it to post on the internet later

    you never know what someone has going on

  • Apr 25, 2021
    2 replies

    Dude recording is an a****** instead of helping him

  • Apr 25, 2021
    1 reply

    i feel for people who work customer service or have customer facing jobs

    s*** is tough and mentally exhausting

    especially when you have to deal with rude jerk offs all day

    i lost my s*** and my last customer facing job. my position there was super understaffed aka i was the only full time employee and there was 1 part time employee three times a week. and the company refused to hire anyone because they wanted to push customers online

    i wound up freaking out and kick a garbage can across the floor and smashed it with a curb stomp

    no customers in there at the time, but my one coworker saw me and looked at me like LMAOO

  • Apr 25, 2021

    Buddy recording is lame.

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Apr 25, 2021

    Guy a d***head recording

  • Apr 25, 2021
    1 reply

    when u at work and no one is helping u deal with a stressful situation and entitled customers putting u on the spot being legit trash human beings toward you, AND you got like anxiety or something?

    S*** can create a disaster. And people got no empathy or the f***ing mental capacity to understand that type of s***

    I'm not even watching the video I don't like to watch videos of people down bad

  • Apr 25, 2021
    1 reply

    we at the hotel motel holiday inn

  • Nessy 🦎
    Apr 25, 2021
    1 reply

    stop filming strangers

  • Apr 25, 2021

    In no way was that pos recording in the right

    How is this different than bullying? Because he’s on the clock he’s no longer a human? Entitled ass mfs man

  • Apr 25, 2021

    I would’ve called security on him

  • Apr 25, 2021

    I feel like if the customer is being an absolute d***head towards someone working a service job, the employee should have the right to act like a d***head back without losing his or her job.

    Too many entitled dumbass mf's come in thinking they can act however they want because "the customer is always right".

    Whoever came up with the slogan was either the customer or deserves to be smacked in the face.

    This poor person deserved better. Really I feel so bad for them.

  • Apr 25, 2021
    · edited

    Bro got heated

    Edit: tweet got deleted. Here’s the link to the vid:

  • Apr 25, 2021

    lmaooooo no way thats real

  • Apr 25, 2021
    1 reply

    This type of s*** ain’t even funny. Dude lame as hell for recording all this and posting it deadass b.

  • Apr 25, 2021

    Goddamn. This pandemic has been tough on people.

  • Apr 25, 2021

    we at the hotel motel holiday inn


  • Apr 25, 2021
    2 replies


    1. This total asswipe behind the camera is provoking him
    2. How is this funny?
    3. mental illness is not something to joke about, f*** this guy filming him probably complaining about something mundane.

  • Apr 25, 2021
    1 reply


    1. This total asswipe behind the camera is provoking him
    2. How is this funny?
    3. mental illness is not something to joke about, f*** this guy filming him probably complaining about something mundane.

    It's not funny and this is just another example of Twitter being an absolutely horrible place. Instead of showing sympathy and compassion for someone who's clearly not ok, they make shooter jokes.

  • Apr 25, 2021

    Dudes an a****** for posting this on the internet.

  • Apr 25, 2021
    2 replies


    1. This total asswipe behind the camera is provoking him
    2. How is this funny?
    3. mental illness is not something to joke about, f*** this guy filming him probably complaining about something mundane.

    how the guy filming him wrong what? you have to handle way worse then this when u work at the check in at a hotel , the f***

  • Apr 25, 2021
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    This type of s*** ain’t even funny. Dude lame as hell for recording all this and posting it deadass b.

  • Apr 25, 2021
    1 reply

    This lowkey just really pissed me off because mfs like dude be the reason mfs keep s*** in. Nigga ain’t show no empathy, was just worried about getting a good laugh with his social media friends.

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