Any man who let's a girl go n goes for her again knowing she would ever leave and come back so easily is a moron. I wish you the best of luck but you are a f***ing idiot x
Been so long since we ate, that Silksong KTTers are coming for each other’s necks
Lock thread until this is out (forever)
Put this in OP
Not in development hell
Not in development hell
“Will release in the next 12 months”
To not seeing it in over 2 years
“Will release in the next 12 months”
To not seeing it in over 2 years
Xbox gave internal timelines without the devs knowledge to bolster their showcase, they’re constantly showing stuff way too early because they’ve been dry on games for a while. Even their showcase this year, which was good, was mostly games they showed off in their 2020 and 2021 showcases lol, many still without dates 4 years later.
I can’t believe this still isn’t out
Stop bumping this
We are getting disclaimers that the game wont be at shows atp 😭😭😭 most cucked fanbase
Jason s: “may release this year”