A one hour window into what plays around our office after hours. Twin line array speakers hold court, they’re only a little loud. Someone’s vacuuming the carpets in another room adding white noise to the song. A security guard coming back up from a cigarette break can hear it all from inside the elevator. Magnified eyes see through a headset loaded with grids of light and lenses and loupes. Skulls on swivels make no sudden movements helicoptering over paperwork, pens, blades, vices, metals and gems. Artificial light pours from small canisters like those dragons that spring from cylinders, like the never-ending ribbons pulled from a magicians ear. Media fires back and forth and back again across the net. Sorkin-like walk and talks travel down the hallways further and further from the sound. This is Homer Radio. An office soundtrack. Can’t you hear our ‘voice’? It’s not a dead line.” — Frank Ocean
10 - 11PM EST @ https://music.apple.com/us/station/apple-music-1/ra.978194965
Episode 1: https://music.apple.com/us/station/homer-radio-ep-1/ra.1647058935
im still updating this s*** every week, feel free to add it to OP
Ok so from the complaints I’m seeing there seems to be a real disconnect. From the initial plans being changed to the showing up late to the set being a live blonded radio show. This just feels like a moment that would’ve been more understandable in a smaller more intimate setting but Coachella doesn’t really cater to that title of drawn out stuff…
especially when so many people came to see an artist they really wanted to see Headline or even the randoms that were just there to experience an artist they don’t know, I can see why it left a bad taste in a few peoples moufs.
people would've been way more open to it if it were livestreamed. i myself would be running it back right now along with Jai and Nia Archives set and others were we given high quality stream audio/video... L on Frank's part for not allowing that and it definitely increased the backlash despite what people think
Where you at @op
ep 27 not available to stream yet hmm
Bro what. I look forward to replaying this every friday
still not up
So f***ed up. And mexican jihad one of my fav DJs he got on the roster
still not up
i was out doing s*** Thursday night so i couldn't catch it. can't update the playlist
i was out doing s*** Thursday night so i couldn't catch it. can't update the playlist
someone on Spotify has been updating a playlist in real time open.spotify.com/playlist/2Jn13Pp8XkL0qHPrrVGoAE?si=wHDf6oOsTfmFNjt_z2bVkg
hardrock into the saintlaurentysl dance remix is the craziest s*** i ever heard
dj_dave the goat