"Blue dot pulled out his vape he managed to rescue and smoke on our boat of asthmatics."
Reading this almost has me liking the homophobes more, and im gay.
How to out yourself as a trash poster. People save some bigots and your mad that they dislike your fruity mint flavored vape juice because they have asthma
Can't wait for oppressed/targeted groups to stop showing sympathy for oppressors.
It takes a big person to save them after they were being complete d***s
And that big person, well………it wouldn’t have been me
Can't wait for oppressed/targeted groups to stop showing sympathy for oppressors.
Ask me why i didnt care white businessess were getting looted last summer
Ask me why i didnt care white businessess were getting looted last summer
On god lol we supposed to feel bad for these people even though they gentrified a whole neighborhood, forced people who lived in those neighborhoods for decades out of the community, and are partly responsible for increased homelessness in particular areas/cities?
Can't wait for oppressed/targeted groups to stop showing sympathy for oppressors.
eh the guilt of watching some people who might die is too much to some people
eh the guilt of watching some people who might die is too much to some people
Fair point. Glad that ain't me though lol
All the bozos ITT saying they would have driven away don't realize it's highly illegal to leave people in distress at sea when you have the capacity to save then If somebody found out your ass is going to get in serious trouble
0% chance I'd go to jail bozo.
Fair point. Glad that ain't me though lol
They deserved it 100% lol
even though I HATE that annoying ass "oh no" song in the video, those people are s*** stains
They're better than me. Would've blasted the YMCA song and watched them suffer
0% chance I'd go to jail bozo.
You will if ur dumb enough to post about it
I wish 50 was on that boat
He would’ve trolled them so bad.
Probably let them swim up to the boat and the drive off with evil laugh then come back and do it again and again
Nah lol 50 would’ve also been calling them slurs and s*** lol