151 tickets
Left with 11 after E1S1
Don't have pela e4
80 pulls to get E0 then I went for S1 and lost the 75/25. I thought it was over for me
then I lost the super early 50/50 for E2 Ache to Clara but then bounced back and got another early to clutch it
I didn't have Clara either so I'll take it
one run of world 9 and i got the set needed with the corresponding main stats
80 pulls to get E0 then I went for S1 and lost the 75/25. I thought it was over for me
then I lost the super early 50/50 for E2 Ache to Clara but then bounced back and got another early to clutch it
I didn't have Clara either so I'll take it
i hate that i'mma have to throw some money on this just cuz i need the pela eidolons
i want aventurine too tho so i'm kinda hoping i lose the 50/50 if i have to go that far
cuz if i win the 50/50 i might as well go all in for e2
i hate that i'mma have to throw some money on this just cuz i need the pela eidolons
i want aventurine too tho so i'm kinda hoping i lose the 50/50 if i have to go that far
cuz if i win the 50/50 i might as well go all in for e2
you should be good with E4 pela but idk where you are rn. I went from E0 to E6 before I got E1 acheron
my gallager luck was ass tho all those pulls on the banner and he's like E2. f*** em tho
you should be good with E4 pela but idk where you are rn. I went from E0 to E6 before I got E1 acheron
my gallager luck was ass tho all those pulls on the banner and he's like E2. f*** em tho
E2 solid for gallagher you get his cleanse, e4 is most optimum I guess
I only got E1 Pela
Ahahahaha I will kill myself
Acheron got me my 12 stars in the non DoT MoC and also got me 3 stars on current pure fiction
Ahahahaha I will kill myself
20% 50/50 is odee. S*** would make me not wanna play
Acheron is amazing, traces are maxed out but I use SW's light cone for now. Let's hope I get some better relics in the near future, she can be so much better
Will never pull her off the strength of how old and annoying that song will get