  • Dec 22, 2023
  • Dec 22, 2023
    2 replies

    Ay I just remembered years ago you were planning on making YT vid about pablo juan. How far did you even get with that lol @Eazy

  • Dec 22, 2023
    1 reply
    Mitclan 616

    Ay I just remembered years ago you were planning on making YT vid about pablo juan. How far did you even get with that lol @Eazy

    Flute snippet 😀😀😀

  • Dec 22, 2023
    Dankmustard Mobile

    Flute snippet 😀😀😀

    So many goated snippets we never getting 😭

  • Dec 22, 2023
    2 replies
    Mitclan 616

    Ay I just remembered years ago you were planning on making YT vid about pablo juan. How far did you even get with that lol @Eazy

    I essentially completed the video the first time around, but I wanted to add a few more voice lines in some places and elaborate on some things. In hindsight, it may have been overthinking, but I felt like listeners who had zero context on what I was talking about would be lost while watching the video. I wanted to make it so that even if people had no idea who any of the rappers I was talking about were, they would still be able to find the video interesting.This delayed the video being finished and I think at this point I was distracted with what I had going on irl, so progress pretty much stopped. I think I told this story before but when I was about to complete the video, there was a point that I was so sure I would finish the it by the end of September 2019 that I bet @mollygatrr money that I would finish it even though I was broke and in no position to make any bets, and I lost that bet and had to send him money ☠️. I think a year or two ago he said that money actually helped him with court fees or something

    During quarantine I was trying to broaden my skillset and I eventually caught motivation to start from scratch and make a higher quality video with animations, graphics, etc., I was taking inspiration from channels like Genius. At some point life started to hit and I ended up not getting very far with this remake. Sometimes I wish I just concluded the first video as is, and sometimes I want to make a new video, but I just don't have the same motivation to log through a bunch of mixtapes, old tweets, songs from that time period, etc.,
    All of that stuff I had from the first video is on a laptop I don't have access to unfortunately. But yeah this is what happened, at some point I made a KTT2 thread on the topic which kind of satisfied my urge to speak about it, but it definitely didn't have the effect that I wanted the video to have

  • Dec 22, 2023
    1 reply
    Eazy or EzP

    I essentially completed the video the first time around, but I wanted to add a few more voice lines in some places and elaborate on some things. In hindsight, it may have been overthinking, but I felt like listeners who had zero context on what I was talking about would be lost while watching the video. I wanted to make it so that even if people had no idea who any of the rappers I was talking about were, they would still be able to find the video interesting.This delayed the video being finished and I think at this point I was distracted with what I had going on irl, so progress pretty much stopped. I think I told this story before but when I was about to complete the video, there was a point that I was so sure I would finish the it by the end of September 2019 that I bet @mollygatrr money that I would finish it even though I was broke and in no position to make any bets, and I lost that bet and had to send him money ☠️. I think a year or two ago he said that money actually helped him with court fees or something

    During quarantine I was trying to broaden my skillset and I eventually caught motivation to start from scratch and make a higher quality video with animations, graphics, etc., I was taking inspiration from channels like Genius. At some point life started to hit and I ended up not getting very far with this remake. Sometimes I wish I just concluded the first video as is, and sometimes I want to make a new video, but I just don't have the same motivation to log through a bunch of mixtapes, old tweets, songs from that time period, etc.,
    All of that stuff I had from the first video is on a laptop I don't have access to unfortunately. But yeah this is what happened, at some point I made a KTT2 thread on the topic which kind of satisfied my urge to speak about it, but it definitely didn't have the effect that I wanted the video to have

    Ay bruh props for actually making I thought you forgot lol. I remember how the thread joked about you and the vid. Sucks we won't get to see the unfinished vid

  • Dec 22, 2023
    1 reply

    Wait how much you guys bet I don't remember

  • Dec 23, 2023
    Mitclan 616

    Wait how much you guys bet I don't remember

    I think it was $50-75 lol

  • Dec 23, 2023
    1 reply
    Mitclan 616

    Ay bruh props for actually making I thought you forgot lol. I remember how the thread joked about you and the vid. Sucks we won't get to see the unfinished vid

    I remember there was a time where I legitimately stopped coming in here because I kept getting roasted about that video LMAOOOOOOOO I really didn't post in here no more like that for like a year

  • Dec 25, 2023
    Eazy or EzP

    I essentially completed the video the first time around, but I wanted to add a few more voice lines in some places and elaborate on some things. In hindsight, it may have been overthinking, but I felt like listeners who had zero context on what I was talking about would be lost while watching the video. I wanted to make it so that even if people had no idea who any of the rappers I was talking about were, they would still be able to find the video interesting.This delayed the video being finished and I think at this point I was distracted with what I had going on irl, so progress pretty much stopped. I think I told this story before but when I was about to complete the video, there was a point that I was so sure I would finish the it by the end of September 2019 that I bet @mollygatrr money that I would finish it even though I was broke and in no position to make any bets, and I lost that bet and had to send him money ☠️. I think a year or two ago he said that money actually helped him with court fees or something

    During quarantine I was trying to broaden my skillset and I eventually caught motivation to start from scratch and make a higher quality video with animations, graphics, etc., I was taking inspiration from channels like Genius. At some point life started to hit and I ended up not getting very far with this remake. Sometimes I wish I just concluded the first video as is, and sometimes I want to make a new video, but I just don't have the same motivation to log through a bunch of mixtapes, old tweets, songs from that time period, etc.,
    All of that stuff I had from the first video is on a laptop I don't have access to unfortunately. But yeah this is what happened, at some point I made a KTT2 thread on the topic which kind of satisfied my urge to speak about it, but it definitely didn't have the effect that I wanted the video to have

    i was down bad and had feds on my ass so thank u for keeping your word fr (im still waiting for the vid btw)

  • Jan 6, 2024
    Eazy or EzP

    I remember there was a time where I legitimately stopped coming in here because I kept getting roasted about that video LMAOOOOOOOO I really didn't post in here no more like that for like a year

    lmaooo i remember this, we was on yo ass fr

    i understand tho, life just happens sometimes

    hope y’all doing good man

  • Jan 17, 2024


  • Jan 17, 2024
  • Jan 28, 2024

    lil dude shouting out blo n hect

  • Feb 10, 2024
    1 reply

    fat b******

  • Feb 10, 2024
    1 reply

    fat b******

    Bro came back 3 years later

  • BRUNTZ πŸ–€
    Feb 10, 2024
    1 reply

    flute song ever drop?

  • Feb 10, 2024
    1 reply

    flute song ever drop?

    On the way!

  • Feb 10, 2024
    Mitclan 616

    On the way!


  • Feb 10, 2024


  • Feb 10, 2024
    Mitclan 616

    Bro came back 3 years later

    real g’s move in silence like lasagna

  • Feb 13, 2024

    one of the goats of dis s*** fr …

  • Feb 28, 2024
    1 reply
  • Feb 28, 2024

    This the wrong flute song but it's ok nice tune

  • Mar 9, 2024