No hect thread yet?
Not gonna lie that sounds mid
Not gonna lie that sounds mid
His voice cracking where he should be screaming
I think I talked about this on ktt1 before or to @Krishard_Nixon but Q Da Fool, Shabazz PBG and all those Rich Shootas guys used to be Pablo fans, my theory was that they stopped f***ing with him because he signed Lil Dude and he actually mentions this without saying names around 3:30
What he dropped after money plugs 2
The tape wit guapo
Tom Ford’s on like I’m Clark Kent
His voice cracking where he should be screaming
Fr hope his tape doesn't all sound like that
I think I talked about this on ktt1 before or to @Krishard_Nixon but Q Da Fool, Shabazz PBG and all those Rich Shootas guys used to be Pablo fans, my theory was that they stopped f***ing with him because he signed Lil Dude and he actually mentions this without saying names around 3:30
damn so we could’ve gotten pablo x q x shabazz if s*** was the other way around?
i'm crying bro, @Eazy showed me this lmaoooo
he DEFINITELY retitled their names to avoid the fact he didn't clear it w their labels lmfao
No hect thread yet?
i did a d***rixh thread but s*** did d***rixh numbers
i f*** with this, it aint that hyped screaming s*** tho
i'm crying bro, @Eazy showed me this lmaoooo
he DEFINITELY retitled their names to avoid the fact he didn't clear it w their labels lmfao
i did a d***rixh thread but s*** did d***rixh numbers
i f*** with this, it aint that hyped screaming s*** tho
gotta bump the thread bro
dmv top 3 blo
I was gonna say you crazy but now that I think about it DD2 not as good as when I first listened to it
I was gonna say you crazy but now that I think about it DD2 not as good as when I first listened to it
which designer d***z tape is better?