sb got this?
Aparantly it’s a f***ing s*** port. 50fps on low settings 1440p on a freaking 1070ti....
For a game based on 7 year old hardware... that’s not good
Also... no denuvo
So you can pirate it if you want
Aparantly it’s a f***ing s*** port. 50fps on low settings 1440p on a freaking 1070ti....
For a game based on 7 year old hardware... that’s not good
Was planning on copping this after I beat Greedfall, but we'll have to see now
Was planning on copping this after I beat Greedfall, but we'll have to see now
How's Greedfall was wondering if it's worth a download from PSnow
How's Greedfall was wondering if it's worth a download from PSnow
I'd say its worth the download for sure, a very solid game, although I hear its short. Combat is like The Witcher 3-Lite, but w/ party members & thrown in with some old school Bioware (you can pause mid-fight to plan things).
Story/dialogue is also choice driven w/ reputations to maintain among the factions. And haven't had any problems with performance (on PC), runs beautifully.
The only issue I had was when it launched last year it had a permanent shaky camera, whether you were walking, fighting or not... s*** was weird. A mod fixed it early on, but apparently the devs finally added in the option to turn it on/off.
I'd say its worth the download for sure, a very solid game, although I hear its short. Combat is like The Witcher 3-Lite, but w/ party members & thrown in with some old school Bioware (you can pause mid-fight to plan things).
Story/dialogue is also choice driven w/ reputations to maintain among the factions. And haven't had any problems with performance (on PC), runs beautifully.
The only issue I had was when it launched last year it had a permanent shaky camera, whether you were walking, fighting or not... s*** was weird. A mod fixed it early on, but apparently the devs finally added in the option to turn it on/off.
sounds good
Can't believe they ruined the PC launch when Death Stranding launched so smoothly on the same f***ing engine.
Can't believe they ruined the PC launch when Death Stranding launched so smoothly on the same f***ing engine.
also death stranding did it in 8 months lol and horizon took 4 years
is this worth getting on pc now ?
Yeah it's all good now... Well compared to when it first launched
is this worth getting on pc now ?
Pirate it
Not a good game like that
is this worth getting on pc now ?
Yeah, I had no issues when I played it. It does get kinda repetitive around the 2/3rds part for me, but I still had a lot of fun lol, specially hunting all those creatures.
Maybe I’ll actually sit down and try to play it with this remaster
Did the second game underperform? Not familiar with this series at all but I remember it dropping same time as ER then disappearing
Did the second game underperform? Not familiar with this series at all but I remember it dropping same time as ER then disappearing
ER did to the 2nd game (which I still haven’t played) what BOTW did to the 1st.
ER did to the 2nd game (which I still haven’t played) what BOTW did to the 1st.
I mean.. the original sold 20+ million copies
That’s not a flop
Wow another pointless remaster/remake just like Last of Us but even worst
Wow another pointless remaster/remake just like Last of Us but even worst
I mean.. they remastered Spider-Man too
I mean.. they remastered Spider-Man too
Triple pointless when it already has a port, ubherebt next gen updates & was out already for barely a few years
H0w bout we get more games that actually need remasters/remakes like all the titles literally stuck on ps3 like how we did with demons Souls (doesnt have to be to that extent tho) that have no ports pc or other consoles currently
Instead of games that been out less than 5 years & you can barely tell the difference outside of lighting that also have readily available ports with auto upgrades
Cant believe niggas are eating up n shelling out $70+ dollars for not even decade old games that are readily available, while Last of Us already had ports & a remaster then it got a "remake"
Niggas spending paychecks for HIGH SETTINGS BRO
HZD getting a "remake" already is hilarious 💀💀
Ps5 era so trash hopefully 2023 really kicks it off finally
Cant believe niggas are eating up n shelling out $70+ dollars for not even decade old games that are readily available, while Last of Us already had ports & a remaster then it got a "remake"
Niggas spending paychecks for HIGH SETTINGS BRO
HZD getting a "remake" already is hilarious 💀💀
Ps5 era so trash hopefully 2023 really kicks it off finally
Nothing been said about the price point. But as long as it’s not wasting resources and it’s the skeleton team honestly idc. Keep giving me definitive versions