Like why do you guys mainly listen to rap? its trash, low class nursery elementary form of art. Sad I'm even calling it that. It's low IQ. And Drake is a cornball. Most all of em are cornballs. Except Ye. Only non-corn ball I can think of tbh. 10 years from now you'll look back at anything you are listening to now (except ye) and be like damn this is corn. I mean holy hell. Not even sure what else I can say about it. Not sure if everyone here is 17 or not.
Here is your reply and your quote. Happy?
what rap have you heard op
white woman avi
Low quality b****es detected
Holy s*** I can guarantee you this mf updates his RYM account every day with every prog post math shoegaze rock band he finds about
this what op is getting down to
what in the f***
bait and/or racism
70% of rap is objective garbage. Some rap is really special art though. Shame the barriers of entry to the genre have become so low. Saturating it w garbage