doggystyle is mid?
Nah thats a legendary classic.
Bro that was like in 1993.
And you referring to only that 1 album proves my point
Carter 5 was mid
you serious?
Metro produced Heartless and Almeda? wtffffffffffff
Drake is not a pedophile
Scorpion is the equivalent to stepping in dog s*** and more life only had a handful of good songs
overhated TBH
Wale could be where Big Sean is now if he aint f*** the bag up constantly
If he kept making songs for women he would’ve been good
Feel No Ways is EASILY Drake's best song ever
We heard you nessy!
Post so real it posted it twice!!
overhated TBH
I love scorpion
MizOrMac (who understandably nobody in here has heard of because he's a UK drill rapper who has been in prison since he was like 18) is a better rapper than Kendrick, Cole, etc.