Please pay your respects
bad takes so far itt
Hot d*** itt
Now that I’m in here I mean
looks like OP made his account today lmao
i made a hot take thread on ktt1 for my 1000th post and the . first two replies were "pee pee poo poo pants" and "op has a stinky mangina"
how did this get almost 2k in a day
its f***ing thursday
anxiety rage
worked out but only failed cause my anxiety still high
looks like OP made his account today lmao
i made a hot take thread on ktt1 for my 1000th post and the . first two replies were "pee pee poo poo pants" and "op has a stinky mangina"
one of the first replies were about my mom
i guess idk bro
im riled up and ready
it's too early. wait a couple hours before s*** gets outta hand
it's too early. wait a couple hours before s*** gets outta hand
my high is calming down anyways
will smoke again l8r