oh that's horrible man. im sorry for your loss. I canbunderstand why youre sad
yea it sucks
i had moved out before receiving the news
that’s why I’m back here with mom
@sadfacetony_ i need u to make this decision for me
i don't wanna spend money but fuk I'm hungry
i just had this same dilemma
said f*** it and got a chicken sandwich w fries
how is Facebook still a thing tbh
apart from Instagram being its creation
Old heads still on it around the world? No matter what u really hear about Facebook people don’t really care . They just wanna talk to they family and friend.
lost my father a few months back
he was young
that’s pretty much the climax of everything right now
Old heads still on it around the world? No matter what u really hear about Facebook people don’t really care . They just wanna talk to they family and friend.
zuckerberg a smart b****
reptilian muthafucka
it’s coo
When I was 16 my dad and one of my best friends died within 4 months of each other. I cut everyone off and was at rock bottom for 2 years. I feel you