  • Updated Jan 5, 2023

    How do you file it onto your HDDs?

    Preferably I'd like each release to be in a folder titled after the composer but idk how to do that for releases that contain pieces from different composers. A lot of classical releases do this, pair pieces by different composer, so I don't want to throw them all into a "Various Composers" folder either.

    I thought I had it all figured out with symbolic links for releases where there'd be more than one composer. I'd add the album into the folder of the first composer listed and then add sym links into the other composer folders but this caused the players to add the album for each sym link

  • Jan 4, 2023
    1 reply

    just by artist name bro it’s not hard to write “Rx Papi” or “Bladee” 💯

  • Jan 4, 2023

    just by artist name bro it’s not hard to write “Rx Papi” or “Bladee” 💯