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  • Dec 27, 2019

    he said he doesnt f*** wit pusha because he saw behind the curtain and pusha wasnt movin dope like that so it ruined the music but in the same interview he goes on like three times about how much he loves Ross & working with him is the best, and how meek beef stopping them from working really hurt Ross’s whole discography is literally a fabrication n stories, which is fine, but it seems like he’s jus pickin n choosin shots at Pusha rather than being honest. The real reason he doesnt f*** wit the music is because hes jealous and got outbar’d and it hurt his ego.

  • Dec 27, 2019


  • Dec 27, 2019

    Duppy Deluxe 🥴

  • Dec 27, 2019
    1 reply

    Pusha fraudulently frauding his fraudelent coke raps stan detected

  • Dec 27, 2019

    Funnily enough you could say the exact same about Push.

    Between Millions, Hold On, Hard Piano & MM6 they’ve almost got as many songs together as Drake and Ross do

  • Dec 27, 2019

  • Dec 27, 2019
    Sunny Sun

    Pusha fraudulently frauding his fraudelent coke raps stan detected

    Shut the f*** up

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