is there a strict list of no nos?
cause i be getting muted for the tamest stuff
i have severe abandonment issues so this stuff is bad for my mental health
For the most part just follow these general guidelines before making a thread and you should be fine:
General guidelines and things to consider before posting
Ignoring these guidelines could result in your thread being locked or removed
-If you don't like a thread, don't respond to it.
You are not required to respond to every thread. If you don't have anything constructive to say, don't say it at all.
Threads that are not strictly relevant to the section or considered pointless will either be moved to the most relevant section or deleted.
Does this topic already have a thread?
Please search to avoid making duplicate threads but do not needlessly bump old threads
Does your post or thread add/create positive and constructive discussion?
Random and off topic posts will be removed and if you are caught purposely derailing a thread you may be banned
Do not post personal, real-life information such as home addresses and home phone numbers.
As far as why you may be getting muted. Some of these should give you an idea:
• No posts containing derogatory, defamatory, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, vulgar, and prejudice content
Respect is the name of the game. You must respect your fellow members. Please refrain from inflammatory and defamatory comments as well as flaming, taunting, and general disrespect. Do not simply put down the opinion or advice given by others. If you don't agree with it, say why - respectfully.
This forum was made for constructive and enjoyable discussion and we will do everything possible to ensure that.
• No trolling, baiting or derailing threads
Any of the above is considered an offence and if we deem your behaviour as to intentionally cause disruption, you will be banned.
• No Spamming or promotion
Any kind of spam whether it's text, gif, image or site promotion spamming . If you're only here to promote your blog/site and not to take part of the forum in any way, you will be banned permanently.
• No NSFW or explicit material
We do not condone any form of nudity on this forum. If you are seen with nudity in your avatar, or posting links/images of any kind of NSFW content on this forum you will be banned in accordance to the severity (Using our spoiler tags does not exempt you from this). I also ask that you refrain from quoting such material should it be posted and report immediately.
• No taunting/trolling members of staff or Verified members
We are members of a community just like you and deserve the same courtesy and respect we treat you with. Impersonating or pretending to be a member of staff in anyway is forbidden.
• No Creating multiple accounts
Alternate accounts are a big problem and are mainly used by banned members to regain access to the site and continue to break rules and cause disruption through anonymity. Creating multiple accounts is therefore strictly forbidden. It is also advised you disable any VPN or proxy services while browsing the forum, they are often banned and may interfere with your own account.
• No sharing accounts
Sharing accounts with other members is prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.The user who created the account is to be the only user to have access to the account.