'new york song'
99 problems
friends in paris
umbrella or crazy in love if theyre over 28
haven’t listened to Jay in years and actively dislike his recent output. i can still name like ~20 Jay songs
blocked OP
'new york song'
99 problems
friends in paris
umbrella or crazy in love if theyre over 28
these are from anyone whos ever had mtv on for more than an hour
not being able to name 5 hov songs is a weird way to flex you were either born in 2008 or live under a rock
not being able to name 5 hov songs is a weird way to flex you were either born in 2008 or live under a rock
the flexing has to stop
Nicki Minaj stans are non-black people who's frame of reference for anything starts at 2008
most nicki stans are black so this doesn't even make sense.
yall just want an excuse to get your racism off by bashing Nicki
not being able to name 5 hov songs is a weird way to flex you were either born in 2008 or live under a rock
op copied a hit tweet that was clearly a joke thinking it would work on here
Ask ANYONE to give you 5 jay z songs.
Nobody can name them off the top of the head
Reservoir dogs
A million and one questions
Come and get me
Heart of the city
If I should die.