No s*** he's not gonna be President
even if he was it would not happen
talking point for republicans
liberals are NOT anti war I think the Russian invasion of Ukraine disproves that they are anti war just look at reddit
Not just reddit literally the whole internet it's wild what I see on FB
Hell even people ik irl who are super democrats lust over killing Russians.
Whole south park episode on this
First four years of Obama drone tech wasn't even that big. Second term Obama went crazy with it till his last year then he won that noble peace prize and suddenly drastically dropped the drone strikes near the end of his term to go out as a peace loving noble man. ISIS had a good time during this time till Trump came and droned the s*** out of them then he droned Qasem Soleimani and ended terrorism.
Obama was the 🐐
he pulled us out of relationship building with Iran and Cuba, essentially allowing Iran to build a nuclear program without oversight
his relations with north korea and russia were superficial at best, and beneficial to the other parties' political leverage and own violent agendas on the world stage at worst. American clout in both ASEAN and NATO was severely diminished, allowing for miltiary escalation from both to continue unfettered
openly declared a "trade war" with china and failed, generally escalated military tensions with china
bombed an iranian general in a civilian area
committed more drone strikes than any police
militarized the police to an unprecedented amount
gave open support to the genocidal Israeli government
actually INCREASED military spending by over $100 billion over the course of his administration
@op wtf
its paleocon isolationist idiocy to think trump was “anti-war”
First four years of Obama drone tech wasn't even that big. Second term Obama went crazy with it till his last year then he won that noble peace prize and suddenly drastically dropped the drone strikes near the end of his term to go out as a peace loving noble man. ISIS had a good time during this time till Trump came and droned the s*** out of them then he droned Qasem Soleimani and ended terrorism.
"Ended terrorism"
Yeah aight
more drone strike deaths by trump in his 4 years than obama in his 8
peaceful tho
what does the term ‘liberals’ even mean anymore since it’s gotten so convoluted
We talking about the same man who bombed Soleimani and recognized Jerusalem as Israel capital
more drone strike deaths by trump in his 4 years than obama in his 8
peaceful tho
This is not true
Obama is the LORD OF THE DRONES and the deaths he has created is one of the worst war crimes in 21st century. Obama is a top level monster that Trump would dream of being.
This is not true
Obama is the LORD OF THE DRONES and the deaths he has created is one of the worst war crimes in 21st century. Obama is a top level monster that Trump would dream of being.
you're right, it's not true
trump had more drone strikes in his first 2 years in office than obeezy in his full 8
you're right, it's not true
trump had more drone strikes in his first 2 years in office than obeezy in his full 8
Ethered him so hard he had to make a new alt
what does the term ‘liberals’ even mean anymore since it’s gotten so convoluted
This is not true
Obama is the LORD OF THE DRONES and the deaths he has created is one of the worst war crimes in 21st century. Obama is a top level monster that Trump would dream of being.
It is actually true. If Obama is a war criminal for that then so is Trump and Biden.
You can say alot of past presidents are war criminals.