This fat ass mad ass nigga, really has the nerve to call other people weirdos and soft, when he spent his youth on internet forums talking about wanting to suck Drakes d***
Your lack of self awareness and reflection is astonishing.. Keep going you fat weirdo b****
Dude took one joke I made like damn near a decade ago and held on to it. I’m deceased. Fat niggas are weird.
I’m glad I made such an impact on your life that you even remember that
Word lmao what song?
Babushka boi
The hook literally says that the song is dedicatsd to the scar on his face
rumor is he got jumped and buck 50'd in the uk in 2018
how did this never make the news?
It was in the news and he got the scar by falling off a scooter
Aren't you from Malaysia or some s*** ?
Stop appropriating western culture and go be sad about your birthland
I've never mentioned it on this site and only said it a while back on ktt1, so for you to suddenly remember this when i have no idea who you are is wild lmao
Anyway I'm literally half American, so go dig up something else instead of 'western appropriation'
First i get accused of asian appropriation and now this you gotta be s***ting me
was never a secret and was very public information lol
was never a secret and was very public information lol
Yet he started wearing those scarfs to cover it up.. Nigga was ashamed he got his face cut like a slice of pizza. As he should be
Didn’t he say in an interview he fell off something and hit his face
Rap game abused wife
Wait, I remember when this was posted on KTT when he happened. Did no one see that thread?
Yet he started wearing those scarfs to cover it up.. Nigga was ashamed he got his face cut like a slice of pizza. As he should be
boy on full on "i was trollen u hehe" mode
It was in the news and he got the scar by falling off a scooter
The origin of the scar on the right side, a spindly tear that stretches from the corner of his mouth to his jawline—Rocky used to hide it under silk Gucci scarves, launching a “babushka boy” trend—is murkier. When asked how he got the scar, he often made up stories, like falling off his scooter or being slapped by an auntie with long nails, but in Swedish court, when explaining why he has a security detail, Rocky mentioned he had been slashed the previous year. Even now, he’s cryptic about the incident. “I think s*** happens,” he tells me. “And that night, s*** happened.”