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  • Jan 15, 2021

    not that he's ever going to be justified for this but if I had to guess it's because people can easily dismiss this since it happened in the past and not when he had a mainstream platform. i mean he didn't exactly "get away" with it because these screenshots blew the f*** up sometime during the OTR #1 run.

    people only come through with cancelling people that isn't s*** to them. reminder that sadababy caught the attention of nicki stans for his remix ft. her and when he called one of them a homophobic slur, his even worse mistakes were put on blast. to them, sada wasn't s***, just a nobody that was helping their favorite get another billboard hit and they were reasonably ready to dump him once he started being hateful. the thing with Nas X, though, is that he's a huge artist that's openly gay and a nicki stan like the majority of that community. lotta people don't care about hateful s*** until it affects them personally. you also can't really cancel somebody at their prime unless the media has a disdain for them, sadababy and doja cat were barely getting started while Nas X finessed the #1 spot for a whole year.

    this is also a tweet from an account in the past, so i feel like people that stan him keep it in mind that he said ugly things before the fame. he obviously would've gotten s*** if he said this at the height of OTR, especially because of his image and personality leaning towards being the goofy/wholesome guy on twitter.

  • Jan 15, 2021
    1 reply

    lightsxo and M2 gone in the same week?

  • blonded

    Facts. I just wanna come home after work, crack open a beer, and beat my wife.


  • Jan 15, 2021
    John Mauve

    I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy in the west with that Israel post not start some s***. Oops!

    Bro said “oops!”

  • Jan 15, 2021

    Reddit tier post

    “Religion is a joke to me lemme go walk my doggo”

    This upset you that much you had to respond to it twice cuz I ignored your dumbass the first time?

  • Jan 15, 2021

    its the other way around

  • Jan 15, 2021

    this whole thread is a mess and I'm ashamed to have contributed to it

  • Jan 15, 2021

    Personally I understand why religion is a thing in peoples life. It gives ten guidelines to follow, a moral code and comfort against the unknown.

    My best friend in high school was a Muslim, so I got insight into his life. I still love him and although their was things I didn’t understand or struggled to understand, like traditions like Ramadan. Or him not being allowed to date in high school, I still respected him and his beliefs. You can be respectful towards things that personally don’t make sense to you.

  • blonded

    lightsxo and M2 gone in the same week?

    Mods finally doing work

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