In 2015 I was 21 and i had found a fake bbtm tracklist and I was trying to see if it was real or fake and I somehow stumbled on The Weeknd section of ktt and my life changed music wise!
i dont even remember
I heard that on reddit that the website closed registration and it was hard to get an account so I tried to register bc it sounded cool. It sounded like a hip hop forum with less white ppl than reddit. Like an exclusive club or something. I was so wrong.
Found the KTT while searching for Good Kid m.a.a.d. City leaks in 2012. It was a great era.
Late 2015/Early 2016 during the TLOP rollout, think it was from Reddit but not sure tbh
I found a link to a album on the og looked around was entertained so i was lurking ever since
I prayed to god and this is where he led me
got tired of rolling my eyes at reddit morons
was interested in forums for a while, started thinking recently that the format actually promotes discussion vs reddit's sorting by highest upvotes