Is there something in the river Thames or something? How do all the 18 to 20 something year olds have full grown luscious beards. My lil cousin is 19 and his s*** is more connected than mine. I’m jealous asf, what’s the secret ?
maybe less stress
idk anything about race relations overseas tho
From the time’s I’ve spent in London, life is much simpler
Is there something in the river Thames or something? How do all the 18 to 20 something year olds have full grown luscious beards. My lil cousin is 19 and his s*** is more connected than mine. I’m jealous asf, what’s the secret ?
tea and crumpets has natural growth hormone
OP London homies talking about tea and crumpets to him and he lowkey like
they taking hair from they ass and having it implanted on their face
Shoutout to all my Turkish surgeons
OP London homies talking about tea and crumpets to him and he lowkey like
I know brown dudes who had full beards at age 13
and they start going bald at age 20
I had peach fuzz in 2nd grade lol
same, over my lip. middle eastern problems now I don't get proper facial hair though. a lot of bald spots for beard so I only have a moustache.
it'd hide my chin and jawline so i'd shave it off anyways. no great loss
Don't admire the young beard genetics too much
all that testosterone makes you go bald quicker
Don't admire the young beard genetics too much
all that testosterone makes you go bald quicker
Damn my g stay strong