Little backstory here: My dad (who brought in most of the money) lost his job last June. He still got paid for a while, but I assume that time frame ran out. He can’t get a good job, even though he’s totally qualified (degree and worked at his old job for 12 years). My parents REFUSE to talk money with us. They try to keep our lives the same, even though me and my bro would be totally fine living a little less lavish. But now we’re notice the problems it’s causing. He’s cutting off all our subscriptions (netflix, hulu, gym), they’re talking about selling one car to be more environmental (even though we know it’s cause we’re hard up for money). But they’re still taking us on trips, which we don’t need. Whenever I try to pay for something like dinner or say we should make a meal at home instead of going out, they shut me down and say “Why would we?”. It f***ing pisses me off because I know we’re living beyond our means at this point. My grandparents gave them checks for christmas, and my dad started tearing up because he didn’t want to accept it but knew we needed it. How can I talk to them about it or help them out before they f*** up their lives permanently?
Realistically: Make money
I do. But when I try and give it to them, they shut me down immediately.
They are stupid and childish. Just save up your own and do your own thing. You cant help them
They are stupid and childish. Just save up your own and do your own thing. You cant help them
If they don’t do a full f***ing 180 and figure some s*** out, that’s what I will do. But they’re my parents, and that would hurt me and them so badly.
how old r u
Sit down and have a real conversation with them and tell them that you want to help out. If they refuse, help them out anyway
Have an actual 1 on 1 convo ab this theyre ur parents
Sorry if I didn’t explain this well, but they refuse to talk abt it with me. If I offer money they won’t take it. I’ve tried slipping money in my moms purse but she noticed and gave it back to me.
Just trust them. They've done this longer than you. They are two adults who know their limits. But you can pay their utility, phone and Internet via phone. Companies usually don't check who is paying as long as someone is.
Knock down your dad's pride and tell that nigga he broke asf
Tell him that his broke ass needs to go back in the trenches and bring home a bag or you’re gonna instead