bc i watch this women who used to be a guy get pregnant... how how
i found this article
bc i watch this women who used to be a guy get pregnant... how how
i found this article
I don't think you were watching a real video
You need eggs and a uterus to become pregnant
I don't think you were watching a real video
You need eggs and a uterus to become pregnant
i know but he pushed out a baby
Enjoy your ban
why should he get banned for asking an honest question? he's not being inflammatory or transphobic.
pass the link
I don’t wanna say it but bruh that’s a little ga…. Nvm
Prob impossible
Even if you could get a fertilized egg in them youd need an amniotic sac for the embryo to live in and it wouldnt be able to eat without an umbelical cord
ngl the world is burning who cares let it all fly
thanq to u but not an explanation but i think we should care for others and support each other.
Can you guys do better at trolling? Atleast make it so it has potientia to be a classic thread
Someone who was born looking mostly male but has a functioning female reproductive system. I think there are documented cases of this but I could be wrong