  • Apr 29, 2021

    why is not seeing your friends causing disassociation?

    I have issues with disassociation but I could legit be in a room with a million people and have that feeling

    i have a photo of a friend of mine from work that we took together. Whenever i look at the photo it feels like i took a photo with some stranger, despite me knowing her well, we are really close!

  • Apr 29, 2021
    1 reply

    wait but you made a thread abt having only one friend left that didnt even hit you up no more and now u say this? just be straight w/ me are you trolling or what? Cause if so this s*** not funny bro

    When i look thru your thread history its all super depressing stuff, did you ever get professional help?? It sounds like you could really use some brother

    no i got friends lmao. I be tripping balls sometimes too much. I got friends, a lot of friends. But on the other hand i feel these things/people arent real. Also my memory is f***ed up, i dont remember what i did this month aside from the last 3-4 days. I smoke weed sometimes but who tf doesnt, idk if its because of that

  • Apr 29, 2021
    1 reply

    no i got friends lmao. I be tripping balls sometimes too much. I got friends, a lot of friends. But on the other hand i feel these things/people arent real. Also my memory is f***ed up, i dont remember what i did this month aside from the last 3-4 days. I smoke weed sometimes but who tf doesnt, idk if its because of that

    Bro seriously, if you go on too long without taking care of this then disassociation can be really harmful

    PLEASE, from the bottom of my heart go see a professional and get some form of help!! Please fam, begging you rn

  • Apr 29, 2021

    also on the other hand i think that im making this “ disassociation” feeling worse than it is. Even my doctor said it sounds like i have it.

    But the thing is that it wasn’t affecting me in anyway before my doctor explained it to me. So its probably me making it worse than it is

  • Apr 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Bro seriously, if you go on too long without taking care of this then disassociation can be really harmful

    PLEASE, from the bottom of my heart go see a professional and get some form of help!! Please fam, begging you rn

    nah i think that im just making it worse than it is. I think im just being a b****. I literally have no problems in my life, truth is im just a emotional b**** ass nigga.

  • Apr 29, 2021

    Just deal with it i guess. It’s not a big deal. If everybody and everything ceases to exist when you’re not around, who cares?

    you right

  • Apr 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Idk call them? Text them?

    How you forget someone exists cus you didn’t see them for a week lirl

  • Apr 29, 2021
    1 reply

    nah i think that im just making it worse than it is. I think im just being a b****. I literally have no problems in my life, truth is im just a emotional b**** ass nigga.

    Bro, first of all. I don't know you, so i can't really judge. But just by taking a quick look at all the threads you done posted it sounds like there is def stuff bothering you from deep inside. You might just be venting and making things sound worse than they are because you are emotional. I feel you, i'm an emotional person myself as well.

    But don't be afraid to take a good look inside from time to time to see if you really are doing good. Mental health ain't no joke. Life can be a b****, things get confusing and difficult.

    I'd rather have you go speak to a therapist for a while or w/e to find out it was a bit of wasted time, then for you to end up getting depressed to the point of wanting to kill yourself or some s***. We already lost posters before on this site!

    Love you bro, keep doing your thing and don't hesitate to hmu if you need to. But most importantly, just look out for yourself aight?

  • Apr 30, 2021

    idk i dont have irl friends

  • Apr 30, 2021
    1 reply

    You don’t, run away a ghost your best friends for no reason 5 years and counting disassociation is my life

  • Go on ktt2 and ask how they deal with disassociation

  • Apr 30, 2021
    3 replies

    Just try to focus on one thing, I been there. I smoke so when it happens to me I just smoke a cigarette

  • Apr 30, 2021

    u just gotta exist with it until it goes away. meditation and other types of mindfulness help a lot though

  • Apr 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Just try to focus on one thing, I been there. I smoke so when it happens to me I just smoke a cigarette

    How is turning people on to cigs a good answer??

  • Apr 30, 2021

    How is turning people on to cigs a good answer??

    I was just giving an example, you think dude really gonna start smoking cigarettes cus someone on the internet says it helps with their dissociation??

  • Apr 30, 2021

    a week? xD

  • Apr 30, 2021

    smoke cigs

  • Apr 30, 2021

    Never grappled with reality like that, so idk.

  • Apr 30, 2021

    a week? xD


  • Apr 30, 2021

    Just try to focus on one thing, I been there. I smoke so when it happens to me I just smoke a cigarette

    i just got addicted to cigs thanks for ruining my life

  • Apr 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Just try to focus on one thing, I been there. I smoke so when it happens to me I just smoke a cigarette

    on the real tho im glad im not the only one dealing with this. It makes me calm down. I havent been thinking about it since i came back on ktt (rn) thats what im gonna continue doing.

    Im gonna stop thinking about it

  • Apr 30, 2021

    You don’t, run away a ghost your best friends for no reason 5 years and counting disassociation is my life

    again im so happy im not in this by myself. I think we all got our own issues, we all got something we dealing with. I think its NORMAL human behavior

  • Apr 30, 2021
    1 reply

    on the real tho im glad im not the only one dealing with this. It makes me calm down. I havent been thinking about it since i came back on ktt (rn) thats what im gonna continue doing.

    Im gonna stop thinking about it

    It hasn't happened to me in a while but I've been pretty bad before, keep your head up bro

  • Apr 30, 2021

    Move thread to Relationships sxn

  • Apr 30, 2021

    It hasn't happened to me in a while but I've been pretty bad before, keep your head up bro

    good to hear. hopefully ill be where u at soon.