  • Mar 20, 2021

    We have to out-rebound them

  • Mar 20, 2021

    Just talked to Q. Your all f***ed.

  • Mar 20, 2021
    1 reply
    black hedi slimane

    there’s no definitive answer i can give u really bc it depends on who you are

    it’s why i said, in another post, it’s generations worth of work

    we would have to fundamentally change to the education system first, abolish prisons, and that’s not even talking about how to approach the transition out of capitalism

    if you’re apprehensive about any of these things then i’d recommend u do some reading and consider why you’re opposed to these things

    the examples u gave didn't seem too dependent on who a person is

    i get the abolishing prisons idea, what kinda things do u think would need to be changed bout the education system

  • Mar 20, 2021

    legitimately fair, unbiased, truthful media. above all qanon is the product of distrust in the media so they decided to flock elsewhere for their information. unfortunately they just flocked to false prophets.

    This x1000

    Sorry for your fam op but they’re probably lost at this point, nothing you can do except try not to judge them too hard.

  • Mar 20, 2021
    red eagle

    Doesn't matter

    The goal of deplatforming isn't to deradicalize people, it's to make sure they don't have a forum through which they reach a massive audience

    deplatforming makes them worse tbh.

  • Mar 20, 2021
    2 replies

    the examples u gave didn't seem too dependent on who a person is

    i get the abolishing prisons idea, what kinda things do u think would need to be changed bout the education system

    like i said i only gave a broad response bc that’s all i can give rn on an internet forum

    no individual can do the things i listed alone. but there are things you can do yourself to separate yourself from white supremacy ( as hard as it is in america)

    the thing that has to happen k-12 and college is more funding and absolutely no privatized education

    public education should be quality everywhere in america and no one should be coming into their 20s with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt

  • Mar 20, 2021
    black hedi slimane

    like i said i only gave a broad response bc that’s all i can give rn on an internet forum

    no individual can do the things i listed alone. but there are things you can do yourself to separate yourself from white supremacy ( as hard as it is in america)

    the thing that has to happen k-12 and college is more funding and absolutely no privatized education

    public education should be quality everywhere in america and no one should be coming into their 20s with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt

    yikes. so combat extremism with extremism

    mans rlly said abolish private school....

  • Mar 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Everyone cut them off completely

  • Mar 20, 2021
    Bow And Arrow

    Everyone cut them off completely

    isolate them and they think its more true. deplatforming them makes them think its more true.

  • Mar 21, 2021
    1 reply

    legitimately fair, unbiased, truthful media. above all qanon is the product of distrust in the media so they decided to flock elsewhere for their information. unfortunately they just flocked to false prophets.

    See people say this but people do not care about integrity in journalism in America regardless of their political leaning.

  • Mar 21, 2021
    1 reply
    black hedi slimane

    like i said i only gave a broad response bc that’s all i can give rn on an internet forum

    no individual can do the things i listed alone. but there are things you can do yourself to separate yourself from white supremacy ( as hard as it is in america)

    the thing that has to happen k-12 and college is more funding and absolutely no privatized education

    public education should be quality everywhere in america and no one should be coming into their 20s with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt

    absolutely more funding, n yeah i think it'd help if they diversified the quality of what's taught too, to include more practical application to the things usually taught n also get kids back on arts

    what's up w/ privatized education though? me n none of my friends went to those schools

  • Mar 21, 2021

    See people say this but people do not care about integrity in journalism in America regardless of their political leaning.

    theres no such thing as unbias media tho. I would rather know going in its bias then for it pretend it isnt.

  • Mar 21, 2021

    If they cant be re-educated they'll get thr gulag

  • time to intervene

  • Mar 21, 2021
    The Young Blizzard

    My family has been destroyed by it. My mother has fallen into it recently. Her friend is literally in it, and has been feeding her misinformation since the election

    How do we fight back? Qanon is a culmination of every right wing talking point x11

    F***er Carlson is literally normalizing it, and millions of Americans believe him

    How do we stop this?

    yeah its f***ed up.

    very sorry to hear about your mom. it's been going on for long enough. I hope the justice department throws the book at those f***ers Jim + Ron Watkins who have led these people to such insane lengths.

  • Mar 21, 2021

    absolutely more funding, n yeah i think it'd help if they diversified the quality of what's taught too, to include more practical application to the things usually taught n also get kids back on arts

    what's up w/ privatized education though? me n none of my friends went to those schools

    hes a socialist so anytime he can he attacks private anything. nothing is wrong with private schools. if anything homeschooling is the issue

  • Mar 21, 2021

    The problem with conspiracy theorists is that they can explain away anything, everything is a ploy, everyone is a sheep, there is only one good and that is God (or whomever), you can’t reason with them because every single person has an ulterior motive. To them everybody is brainwashed and the elites pull the strings. I don’t have a solution because you show them a truth and they’ll give a hundred reasons why it’s a fake. Good discussion tho, I’m open to hearing people’s thoughts but I don’t know how you deal with them, I got friends and family like that and we black lol

  • Mar 21, 2021
    1 reply

    "deplatforming makes it worse" is a copout.

  • Mar 21, 2021
    2 replies

    "deplatforming makes it worse" is a copout.

    its true tho deplatforming makes them think they are trying to hide the truth.

  • Mar 21, 2021

    Treat QAnon like Al-Qaida.

    Anyone fully endorsing it is a terrorist.

    End of discussion. (Including your friends and families)

    Sorry. Yall cacs put me and my family at risk because of this bullshit. Hard lines gotta be drawn.

    Once again.

  • Mar 21, 2021
    1 reply
    CLB Fractions

    its true tho deplatforming makes them think they are trying to hide the truth.

    Prove it

  • Mar 21, 2021
    CLB Fractions

    its true tho deplatforming makes them think they are trying to hide the truth.

    treat em like they treat Al-Qaida then.

    these niggas murdered cops on capitol building. They lost the right to be looked at as citizens I don't care about "hiding the truth"

  • Mar 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Delete this now

    Prove it

    they literally believe they get deplatformed to hide the truth. i dont know what to tell you lol

  • Mar 21, 2021
    2 replies
    CLB Fractions

    they literally believe they get deplatformed to hide the truth. i dont know what to tell you lol

    if they don't get deplatformed then the message gets spread d***head.
