  • on no narcissistic s***, idk how or why i have been dealing with this almost my whole life, it's people smarter, better looking and cooler than me out there to be jealous of but somehow it's niggas i don't even do s*** to that get mad at the way i carry myself bc of their own insecurities how does one make that s*** stop?

  • Jul 23
    1 reply

    don't even mind it unless it becomes a problem. then just beat their ass

  • BRUNTZ 🖤
    Jul 23

    swing your nuts

  • I do me 10 times harder just to annoy them

  • Jul 23
    1 reply

    Spit in one of they drinks. They may not notice but u will know tht u did it and it will make u happy. So now they r jealous and they have ur spit in them.

  • I got these jealous ass female coworkers mad cause I get more hours than them.

  • Jul 23

    I dont carry myself in a way to make people not like me
    im kinda quiet so sometimes people think I dont like them but once we actually talk they see what it is

  • Just realized they have nothing to offer and don't take what they say seriously

  • You just can’t let other people’s thoughts weigh you down. Negativity is contagious and life is too short and precious to care about what others think.

  • I'm a natural attention magnet despite not talking very much irl so I naturally attract haters too, let them cry about it in my shadow

  • Jul 24
    1 reply

    its there problem not yours why do you even care

  • hybrid supreme

    don't even mind it unless it becomes a problem. then just beat their ass

  • Twicetagram

    its there problem not yours why do you even care

  • sounds like a them issue

  • gangy 🟢
    Jul 24

    Spit in one of they drinks. They may not notice but u will know tht u did it and it will make u happy. So now they r jealous and they have ur spit in them.

    Ur insane