  • Jan 1, 2023

    I be damn near late ever day to work. How can I wake up earlier and not just snooze til I have ten minutes to get ready.

  • Don’t snooze

  • Jan 1, 2023

    wake up
    turn right
    walk out that b****

  • Jan 1, 2023

    start a new habit. try getting up earlier day by day, even when you’re not working. cold showers in the morning are a usual instant jolt too

  • Jan 1, 2023
    3 replies

    Leave your phone or whatever you use for an alarm out of reach so that you have to actually get out of bed to snooze or turn it off

  • plants 🌻
    Jan 1, 2023

    I made it easy and removed as many obstacles as possible. So before going to bed I lay out my morning clothes next to the bed in the order I put them on. (this is most important for me in winter when the warmth of the bed is just so nice) The coffee downstairs is similarly laid out ready to be brewed I just have to boil the kettle. The fireplace either has a fire pre-made ready to be lit or the kindling is split, the paper crumpled, and things are ready to go.

    I also know that if I do not get up at 6am I will almost surely have a worse day, and for what? A few minutes of pointless comfort?

    Now I don't even think of not getting up on time. I just do it. It's like a reflexive habit. Something that helped solidify this was ensuring I had good "sleep hygiene" This link is my go-to for when people are struggling with all things sleep.

    And anecdotally, switching to 100% nasal breathing at night was a huge revelation. I think it is because you lose a ton of water through evaporation if you mouth breathe, leaving you to awaken in a state of mild to severe dehydration. When I made that switch I started waking up before my alarm clock and very alert, like I had woken up from a coffee nap or something.

  • Jan 1, 2023
    1 reply
    Huge bmass Fan

    Leave your phone or whatever you use for an alarm out of reach so that you have to actually get out of bed to snooze or turn it off

    Yep this what I do, I put my phone in my living room charged with the Alarm on

  • Jan 1, 2023
    2 replies

    Go to bed earlier

  • Jan 1, 2023

    Go to bed earlier

    Jan 1, 2023

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jan 1, 2023

    feed your pride and say to yourself 'what, I can't do such simple thing? nah' and then jump out of the bed
    works better if you're a leo

  • Jan 1, 2023

    I text my manager “Traffic” and take my sweet time.

  • Jan 1, 2023

    Hop out turn my swag on

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Jan 1, 2023

    startled awake in a terror and panic

  • Jan 1, 2023

    Like s*** unless it's saturday

  • Jan 1, 2023

    Remind myself I have responsibilities and daylight is burning

  • Jan 1, 2023

    go for a walk in the morning

  • you like money right? okay then

    stop being a lazy f***

    get the f*** up and get to it

    you either do it or you dont

  • Jan 1, 2023
    1 reply

    i wake up at 3am clock in at 5am clock out at 1:30pm

    u can do it 2

  • Jan 1, 2023

    It's hard for me too I:

    1. keep a slightly open window so that the sunlight will wake me up

    2. keep my phone far away so that I'll have to get up to turn off alarm

    3. try to do this trick I saw online... basically you count backwards from 10 and then you have to get up, stupid trick but try it

    Sometimes I'd just get up click snooze and take the phone with me to bed... so try to avoid that lol

  • Jan 1, 2023
    1 reply

    On hard

  • Jan 1, 2023
    1 reply
    Huge bmass Fan

    Leave your phone or whatever you use for an alarm out of reach so that you have to actually get out of bed to snooze or turn it off

    there is an app that makes you take a photo of certain objects in your room/apartment or the alarm won't turn off


    On hard

  • iCarly Japan2

    there is an app that makes you take a photo of certain objects in your room/apartment or the alarm won't turn off

    whoever made that app needs to get jumped

  • Jan 1, 2023

    Go to bed earlier

    Op if you have trouble with that as well try setting up a quiet alarm clock for bedtime