“I NEED F***”
While banging ur fists on the table
Bruh we’re pass that…
I wanna smash and I’m sure she wants to too, problem is she seems to shy
just be honest.
"Madam may i please insert my penile organ into your vaginal opening and thrust repeatedly as you stimulate my glans and as i stimulate your Gräfenberg spot (located on the c***oris) until i ejaculate spermatazoa laden semen into my prophelactic device?"
playful body touches, this one never failed especially if you ain’t dating yet.
if flirting with touches don’t work she is not feeling you and won’t have s***with you, sucks to be blue balled but you just try the next time
Don't act like you want sex, act like you want her
nah but frfr i gotta get off this forum this s*** is embarrassing
then getcho ass off