  • Updated Jun 12

    Many theories. Many schools of thought. Theory Tuesday.

  • Rinse then boil with water in a pot

    Certainly better ways but that's easy enough and good enough for me

  • funny 1 liner post that makes fun of OP's premise using wordplay and gets 28 likes

  • plants 🌻
    Jun 12
    2 replies

    2:1 water to rice. Bring water to boil, add rice, turn heat to low and cover. Forget about it. Come back to perfectly cooked rice.

  • Jun 12
    1 reply

    I dont cook rice I just eat it like that

  • Jun 12
    1 reply

    Depends on the kind of rice. Sometimes I use a rice cooker, sometimes i boil it, sometimes I steam it.

  • Jun 12
    1 reply

    Depends on the kind of rice. Sometimes I use a rice cooker, sometimes i boil it, sometimes I steam it.

    you ever cream it?

  • little riddle

    you ever cream it?


  • Jun 12

    2:1 water to rice no stir some salt

  • Jun 12
    1 reply

    2:1 water to rice. Bring water to boil, add rice, turn heat to low and cover. Forget about it. Come back to perfectly cooked rice.

    Thats all you need baby

  • 2:1 is insane, I do like 1.2:1 in a pressure cooker

  • Jun 12
    1 reply

    Depends on the rice. You got a certain type that's better when soaked for an hour then rinsed and cooked with the water to rice ratio that others have mentioned already.

  • None of that 2:1, just fill enough water but obviously not an absurd amount. Stick on pan, heat medium to high
    Toss some salt in, a dash of oil too (cooking oil, olive oil, sunflower etc.)
    THEN, lid on
    Let it cook away BUT gradually lower heat if it bubbles too much
    Grab a rice nodule and grip it between your fingers, is is squishy, is it hard, is it? TURN OFF HEAT
    Drain your water, serve your rice

  • Jun 12

    2:1 water to rice. Bring water to boil, add rice, turn heat to low and cover. Forget about it. Come back to perfectly cooked rice.

    For some reason I'm taken aback you don't do the finger tech

  • After it’s done add oil, let sit for 5-10 mins, then add salt, lime juice, and cilantro to make the chipotle white rice

  • Jun 12

    Rice watching

  • Jun 12
    1 reply


  • maxx



  • Jun 12
    3 replies

    Why did you emphasize "your"

  • Jun 12
    1 reply

    Depends on the rice. You got a certain type that's better when soaked for an hour then rinsed and cooked with the water to rice ratio that others have mentioned already.

    You are absolutely right I have updated the title to clear up all and any confusion

  • rather late

    Thats all you need baby

    I also add a tiny bit of curry powder

  • I:

    • Heat water to boil, oil and salt, rinse rice, put rice in pot, cook through and taste as necessary

    My girl:

    • water oil salt in pot, boil rice with water
  • gangy 🟢
    Jun 12
    1 reply

    Why did you emphasize "your"


  • Jun 12
    1 reply


    Don't know who this is

  • rice in the microwave is much easier and less risk of not getting it right like when you make it on stove